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dc.contributor.advisorDarmayanti, Nefi-
dc.contributor.authorAs'adi, Chairial-
dc.description86 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractMengacu pada hasil-hasil dan pembahasan yang telah dibuat , maka dapat disimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut. 1. Hasil penelitian dan perhitungan t-test, dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan kecerdasan emosi dan spiritual yang sangat signifikan antara nasabah yang berperilaku kredit macet dengan nasabah yang tidak berperilaku kredit macet hasil dapat diketahui melalui besarnya koefisien perbedaan t = 3,386 ; p < 0,010, dengan demikian maka hipotesis ya::ig telah diajukan pada bab terdahulu dinyatakan diterima. 2. Melihat nilai rata-rata yang telah diperoleh, diketahui bahwa dalam hal kecerdasan emosi dan spiritual terlihat bahwa nasabah yang tidak berperilaku kredit macet memilki nilai rata-rata yang lebih besar daripada nasabah yang berperilaku kredit macet . Nilai rata-rata nasabah yang tidak berperilaku kredit macet sebesar 304,967 sedangkan nasabah yang berperilaku kredit macet sebesar 285,700. 3. Secara umum berdasarkan perbandingan kedua nilai rata-rata diatas (mean hipotetik dan mean empirik), maka subjek penelitian memiliki kecerdasan emosi dan spiritual yang tergolong sedang karena secara umum nilai rata-rata mean empiric 295,333 rata-rata hipotetik yakni 297,5. Referring to the results and discussions that have been made, it can be concluded the following matters. 1. The results of the research and calculation of the t-test show that there are differences emotional and spiritual intelligence which is very significant among customers who bad credit behavior with customers who do not have bad credit behavior results can be known through the magnitude of the difference coefficient t = 3.386 ; p < 0.010, thus, the hypothesis yes::ig has been proposed in the previous chapter declared accepted. 2. Looking at the average value that has been obtained, it is known that in terms of emotional and spiritual intelligence seen that customers who do not behave bad credit has a greater average value than customers who bad credit behavior. The average value of customers who do not behave credit bad credit of 304,967 while customers who behave bad credit of 285,700. 3. In general, based on a comparison of the two average values ​​above (mean hypothetical and empirical mean), then the research subjects have emotional intelligence and spiritual which is classified as moderate because in general the average value is the mean empirical 295.333 hypothetical average of 297.5.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectkecerdasan emosi dan spiritualen_US
dc.subjectnasabah yang berperilaku .kredit maceten_US
dc.subjectnasabah yang tidak berperilaku kredit maceten_US
dc.subjectemotional and spiritual intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectcustomers who behave .bad crediten_US
dc.subjectcustomers who do not behave bad crediten_US
dc.titlePerbedaan Kecerdasan Emosi dan Spiritual antara Nasabah yang Berperilaku .Kredit Macet dengan Nasabah yang Tidak Berperilaku Kredit Maceten_US
dc.title.alternativeDifferences in Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence between Customers who have bad credit behavior and customers who do not have bad credit behavioren_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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