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Title: Hubungan Antara Persepsi Tentang Figur Attachment Dengan Self Esteem Pada Remaja Di Panti Asuhan Aljam'iyatul Washliyah
Other Titles: The Relationship Between Perceptions Of Attachment Figures And Self Esteem Of Adolescents At The Aljam'iyatul Washliyah Orphanage
Authors: Chadijah, Syarifah
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Nur'aini
Hasmayni, Babby
Keywords: self esteem;persepsi tentang figur attachment
Issue Date: 25-Oct-2013
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;098600069
Abstract: Tidak semua remaJa tinggal dan tumbuh berkembang di lingkungan keluarganya. Banyak remaja disekitar kita yang kurang beruntung untuk dapat berkumpul dengan keluarga dan orang tua yang dicintainya dan salah satu nya mereka tinggal di panti asuhan. Salah satu perkembangan yang di alami remaja adalah self esteem. Self esteem merupakan sikap menerima diri apa adanya dan meyakini bahwa kita layak dalam melakukan sesuatu yang diinginkan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi self esteem adalah figur attachment, yaitu figur lekat bagi remaja yang dianggap berarti dalam kehidupannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara persepsi tentang figure attachment dengan self esteem pada remaja panti asuhan Aljami'atul Washliyah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis data yaitu product moment. Penelitian ini menggunakan skala dari aspek self esteem yang di kemukakan oleh Coopersmith, yaitu Power, Significance, Virtue, dan Competence. Dan skala Persepsi tentang figur attachment berdasarkan fungsi dari figur attachment yang dikemukakan Bowlby yakni, Perhatian, Bimbingan dan bantuan untuk mengatasi masalah, Tanggapan positif, Komunikasi, Kesempatan untuk eksplorasi, Support untuk menggali potensi remaja, Memberi keyakinan bahwa remaja kompeten, Menerima kelebihan dan kekurangan diri. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Analisis Korelasi Product Moment, diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara self-esteem dengan persepsi tentang figur attachment, rxy = 0,258; p= 0.002 < 0,010. Artinya semakin Positif persepsi terhadap Figur attachment, maka semakin Tinggi Self Esteem pada remaja Panti ASuhan AIJam'iyatul Washliyah. Dari hasil penelitian ini, maka hipotesis yang diajukan dinyatakan diterima. Not all teenagers live and grow in the environment his family. Many teenagers around us are less fortunate to be able to gathering with family and parents he loved and one of his they live in an orphanage. One of the developments experienced by adolescents is self-esteem. Self esteem is an attitude of accepting yourself as you are and believe that we are worthy of doing what we want. One of the factor that influences self-esteem is the attachment figure, namely the figure attached to adolescents who are considered significant in their lives. The aim of this research is to see the relationship between perceptions about figure attachment with self-esteem at the Aljami'atul Washliyah orphanage. This research is research quantitatively by using data analysis, namely product moment. This research using the scale of the self-esteem aspect put forward by Coopersmith, namely Power, Significance, Virtue, and Competence. And the Perception scale of figures attachment based on the function of the attachment figure proposed by Bowlby namely, Attention, Guidance and help to solve problems, Feedback positive, Communication, Opportunity for exploration, Support to explore potential teenagers, Giving confidence that teenagers are competent, Accepting strengths and lack of self. Based on the calculation results of Product Moment Correlation Analysis, It is known that there is a significant positive relationship between self-esteem and perception of attachment figures, rxy = 0.258; p = 0.002 <0.010. It means more positive perception of the attachment figure, the higher the Self Esteem in the orphanage AIJam'iyatul Washliyah Orphanage. From the results of this study, the hypothesis proposed declared accepted.
Description: 88 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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