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dc.contributor.advisorMinauli, Irna-
dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Rahmi-
dc.contributor.authorGultom, Ester Intan Delima-
dc.description77 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPada dasamya tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui reak:si ibu yang memiliki anak: Down Syndrome. Fokus penelitian adalah apak:ah yang menjadi sumber stress yang dialami ibu? bagaimana reak:si stress berdasarkan fisik dan psikis? dan bagaimana reak:si ibu yang memiliki anak: down syndrome?. Sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki anak: down syndrome berjumlah 2 orang. Untuk menggali informasi lebih dalam ditambhkan 4 orang informan. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dan berdasarkan analisis data dengan menggunak:an wawancara semi berstruktur diperoleh hasil bahwa responden I dengan responden II memiliki persamaan dari sumber stres yang dialami antara lain ketidakpuasan atas kondisi anak, terkadang marah atau emosi atas tindak:an anaknya dan tidak: berpengaruh terhadap kondisi ekonomi keluarga. Responden I memiliki prasangka kurang baik dari masyarakat sedangkan responden II tidak memiliki prasangka. Reaksi stres dapat menimbulkan gejala fisik yang berbeda pada kedua responden. Responden I mengalami gejala fisik yaitu sakit kepala, darah rendah, sulit tidur, mudah lelah dan kurang nafsu makan. Responden II terkadang mengalami gejala darah tinggi akibat memberikan pembelajaran di rumah. Reaksi stres berdasarkan gej ala psikis cenderung diamali responden I antara lain gelisah, cemas, kurang berkonsentrasi, sering melamun atau murung dan terkadang bungkam dan hilang rasa humoris. Sedangkan responden II merasa cemas terhadap masa depan anaknya. Reaksi responden terhadap anak down syndrome cenderung dialami antara lain withdraw/, overcontrol, overprotect, overstimulate dan avoid. Basically the purpose of this study was to find out the reaction of mothers who have children: Down syndrome. The focus of research is what becomes source of stress experienced by the mother? how to react to stress based on physical and psychic? and how does the mother who has a child react: down syndrome?. As the subjects in this study were mothers who had children: down syndrome totaling 2 people. To dig deeper information added 4 people informant. This research is qualitative in nature and based on data analysis with using semi-structured interviews, it was found that respondent I with respondent II having similarities from the source of stress experienced between others are dissatisfaction with the child's condition, sometimes angry or emotional over the actions children and not: effect on the economic condition of the family. Respondent I have unfavorable prejudices from society while respondent II does not have prejudices. Stress reactions can cause different physical symptoms on both respondents. Respondent I experienced physical symptoms, namely headaches, low blood pressure, difficulty sleeping, fatigue and lack of appetite. Respondent II sometimes experience symptoms of high blood pressure as a result of providing learning at House. Stress reactions based on psychological symptoms tend to be experienced by respondent I These include restlessness, anxiety, lack of concentration, frequent daydreaming or moodiness and sometimes silent and lost sense of humor. While respondent II feels worried about his son's future. Respondents' reactions to down children syndromes tend to be experienced, including withdrawal, overcontrol, overprotect, overstimulate and avoid.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectreaksi ibuen_US
dc.subjectanak down syndromeen_US
dc.subjectmother's reactionen_US
dc.subjectdown syndrome childen_US
dc.titleProgram Studi Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Medan Area 22 Oktober 2012en_US
dc.title.alternativePsychology Study Program, Faculty of Psychology, University of Medan Area October 22, 2012en_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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