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Title: Pengaruh Berbagai Media terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi Larva dan Produksi Kasgot Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens)
Other Titles: Effect of Various Media on Growth, Larvae Production and Production of Kasgot Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens)
Authors: Syahri, Muhammad
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Kuswardani, Retna Astuti
Keywords: limbah alpukat;limbah rumah makan;limbah pisang;maggot;kasgot;avocado waste;restaurant waste;banana waste
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188210012
Abstract: Penelitian mengenai pengaruh berbagai media terhadap pertumbuhan , produksi larva dan produksi kasgot Black Soldier Fly ( Hermetia illucens ) yang dilaksanakan di Roemah Maggot Marelan, Desa Terjun ,Kecamatan Medan Marelan , Kota Medan , Provinsi Sumatera Utara mulai bulan Juli-November 2022. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai media terhadap pertumbuhan, berat maggot, Panjang maggot, produksi larva dan produksi kasgot Black Soldier Fly, dan analisis kasgot Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap non faktorial dengan perlakuan yaitu : P1 Limbah alpukat (4kg), P2 limbah rumah makan (4kg), P3 limbah pisang (4kg) , P4 limbah alpukat (2kg) + limbah pisang (2kg) , P5 limbah alpukat (2kg) + limbah rumah makan (2kg) , P6 limbah pisang (2kg) + limbah rumah makan (2kg). Parameter yang diamati adalah pertambahan berat maggot (gram), Panjang maggot (cm), umur larva dari telur sampai prepupa, produksi maggot (kg), produksi kasgot (kg), dan analisis kasgot. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah : Pertambahan berat maggot tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan P4 (alpukat + Pisang pada 2 MSP dengan berat 1,12 gram. Panjang maggot terbesar terdapat pada perlakuan P5 (Alpukat + limbah rumah makan) 3 MSP dengan panjang 2,03 cm. Fase telur ke larva membutuhkan waktu 3 - 4 hari rata – rata nya , lamanya fase larva 14 hari. Stadia larva menjadi prepupa rata - rata membutuhkan waktu 7 hari . Produksi maggot terbesar terdapat pada perlakuan P5 (Alpukat + Limbah Rumah Makan ) 2,6 kg. Produksi kasgot tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan P6 (Alpukat + Pisang) dengan berat 2,79 kg.Kondisi media tumbuh larva pada kelembapan 61- 82 %, suhu 28,7- 34,5°C dan pH 6,5 – 6,8. Research on the effect of various media on growth, larval production and production of Black Soldier Fly (Hermatia illucens) casgot was carried out at Roemah Maggot Marelan, Waterfall Village, Medan Marelan District, Medan City, North Sumatra Province starting in July-November 2022. The research objective was to determine the effect of various media on growth, maggot weight, maggot length, larval production and production of black soldier fly casgot, and casgot analysis. The study used a completely randomized non-factorial design with the following treatments: P1 avocado waste (4kg), P2 restaurant waste (4kg) ), P3 banana waste (4kg), P4 avocado waste (2kg) + banana waste (2kg), P5 avocado waste (2kg) + restaurant waste (2kg), P6 banana waste (2kg) + restaurant waste (2kg). Parameters observed were maggot weight gain (grams), maggot length (cm), larval age from egg to prepupa, maggot production (kg), casgot production (kg), and casgot analysis. The results of this study were: The highest maggot weight gain was in the P4 treatment (avocado + banana at 2 MSP with a weight of 1.12 grams. The largest maggot length was in the P5 treatment (Avocado + restaurant waste) 3 MSP with a length of 2.03 cm The egg-to-larval phase takes 3-4 days, the larval phase lasts 14 days. The larval stage becomes prepupa takes 7 days. The highest production of maggot is in the P5 treatment (Avocado + Restaurant Waste) 2.6 kg. The highest production of casgot is found in treatment P6 (Avocado + Banana) weighing 2.79 kg. Media conditions for growing larvae at BSF casgot production humidity were 61-82%, temperature 28.7-34.5°C and pH 6.5 – 6.8.
Description: 74 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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