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Title: Analisis Zat Organik Pada Air Sumur Gali Warga Di Desa Kaliserayu Sientis, Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang
Other Titles: Analysis of Organic Substances in Residents' Dug Well Water in Kaliserayu Sientis Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency
Authors: Tambunan, Vini Novalia
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Kardhinata, Harso
Karim, Abdul
Keywords: Air sumur gali;Titrasi permanganometri;Zat organik;Dug well water;permanganometric titration;Organic substances
Issue Date: 5-May-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;178700022
Abstract: Air tanah merupakan salah satu alternatif utama bagi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan air bersih dengan mudah, karena pembuatannya tergolong mudah dan murah. Oleh karena itu penduduk di sekitar sientis menggunakan air tanah (air sumur). Air sumur di sekitar kawasan sientis masih tercemar limbah industri rumah tangga atau sampah yang kurang di perhatikan oleh masyarakat yang sering mencemari lingkungan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi air sumur di desa Sientis. Begitu pula minimnya drainase yang tersedia di kawasan tersebut mengakibatkan air tertahan di selokan-selokan. Hal ini dapat memicu berkembangnya senyawa organik pada air selokan dan dapat mencemari air sumur yang digunakan. Adanya kelebihan bahan organik pada air sumur dapat disebabkan oleh manusia, hewan atau sumber lainya. Zat organik ialah zat yang banyak mengandung unsur karbon. Contohnya yaitu, benzena, kloroform, detergen, dan pentachlorophenol. Zat organik dengan kadar yang tinggi menunjukkan bahwa air telah tercemar. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penentuan kadar zat organik pada sampel air sumur bor agar kualitas dapat diketahui kualitasnya. Untuk menentukan kadar zat organik pada sampel air sumur gali warga dilakukan analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode titrasi permanganometri. Prinsip metode titrasi permanganometri yaitu, zat organik dapat dioksidasi dengan KMnO4 dalam suasana asam dengan pemanasan. Sisa KMnO4 direduksi dengan asam oksalat berlebih. Kelebihan asam oksalat dititrasi kembali dengan KMnO4. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kadar zat organik yang terkandung pada sampel air sumur sebesar 42,20 mg/L dan 40,20 mg/L. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sampel air sumur gali warga tidak layak diminum, karena tidak memenuhi kriteria air minum. Kriteria air minum menurut PerMenkes RI No.492/MENKES/SK/VI/2010 yaitu tidak mengandung zat organik lebih dari 10 mg/L. Hal ini dikarenakan banyaknya zat organik akan mengakibatkan meningkatkan populasi mikroorganisme dan dapat menyebabkan berkembangnya bakteri pathogen yang berbahaya tubuh manusia, terutama bagi sistem kekebalan tubuh. Groundwater is one of the main alternatives for people to get clean water easily, because it is relatively easy and cheap to manufacture. Therefore, residents around the area use groundwater (well water). Well water around the scientific area is still polluted by household industrial waste or garbage which is not paid enough attention by the community which often pollutes the environment so that it can affect well water in Sientis village. Likewise, the lack of available drainage in the area has resulted in water being stuck in the ditches. This can trigger the development of organic compounds in sewer water and can contaminate the well water used. The presence of excess organic matter in well water can be caused by humans, animals or other sources. Organic matter is a substance that contains a lot of carbon elements. Examples are, benzene, chloroform, detergents, and pentachlorophenol. Organic matter with high levels indicates that the water has been polluted. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the levels of organic matter in samples of borehole water so that the quality can be determined. To determine the levels of organic matter in samples of dug well water, quantitative analysis was carried out using the permanganometric titration method. The principle of the permanganometric titration method is that organic substances can be oxidized with KMnO4 in an acidic medium by heating. The remaining KMnO4 is reduced with excess oxalic acid. The excess oxalic acid was back-titrated with KMnO4. Based on the results of the analysis, the levels of organic matter contained in the well water samples were 42.20 mg/L and 40.20 mg/L. So it can be concluded that the residents' dug well water samples are not suitable for drinking, because they do not meet the criteria for drinking water. The criteria for drinking water according to PerMenkes RI No.492/MENKES/SK/VI/2010 are not containing more than 10 mg/L of organic matter. This is because the large number of organic substances will result in an increase in the population of microorganisms and can cause the development of pathogenic bacteria that are harmful to the human body, especially for the immune system.
Description: 54 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Biology

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