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dc.contributor.advisorMuis, Abdul-
dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Taufik-
dc.description67 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractDi zaman sekarang yang begitu sulit, banyak orang yang menghadapi masalah serta persoalan hukum yang begitu complicated terjadi di seputar Lembaga Pembiayaan, baik dari segi .Teori ( perundang-undangan ) maupun yang terjadi di dalam prakteknya ( kebiasaan Bisnis dan Yuripedensi ). Dalam skripsi ini menegaskan tentang sejarah, Dokumentasi, tentang pemutusan dan W anprestasi terhadap kontraknya. Konsekuensi jika cicilan macet, aspek hukum perjanjian dan perlindungan konsumen dan juga dilengkapi berbagai perundang-undangan yang dengan Dasar Hukum Perjanjian dalam suatu Lembaga Pembiayaan, serta jenis-jenis Jaminan dalam kedudukan para pihak dalam Lembaga Pembiayaan. Karena itu membuat penulis tertarik untuk mengambil judul tentang lembaga pembiayaan dan diharapkan skrispsi ini juga bermanfaat, baik bagi mereka yang bergerak dibidang Akademis, seperti Dosen, Mahasiswa peneliti di bidang hukum dan ekonomi, maupun bagi mereka yang bergerak didalam prakteknya seperti, Pengacara, Konsultan Hukum dan Bisnis dan mereka yang berbisnis di bidang Lembaga Pembiayaan. In today's difficult times, many people face problems as well as legal issues that are so complicated that occur around the Institution Funding, both in terms of. Theory (legislation) and what happened in in practice (Business customs and Jurisprudence). In this thesis emphasizes the history, documentation, about termination and default of the contract. Consequences if installments fail, legal aspects of agreements and protection consumers and also equipped with various laws on the basis Agreement Law in a Financing Institution, as well as types of guarantees in the position of the parties in the Financing Institution. Because it makes the writer interested in taking the title about the institution funding and it is hoped that this thesis will also be useful, both for those who engaged in the academic field, such as lecturers, research students in the field of law and the economy, as well as for those engaged in practice such as, Lawyers, Legal and Business Consultants and those in business in the field Financial institutions.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectperjanjian pembiayaanen_US
dc.subjectfinancing agreementen_US
dc.titlePelaksanaan Perjanjian Pembiayaan pada Leasing PT. Astra Credit Company Medan Cab. Medan (Studi Kasus di Kantor PT. Astra Credit Company di Medan)en_US
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of the Financing Agreement on Leasing PT. Astra Credit Company Medan Cab. Medan (Case Study at PT. Astra Credit Company Office in Medan)en_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Law

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