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Title: Implementasi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 154 Tahun 2015 tentang Tunjangan Kinerja Pegawai di lingkungan Kementerian Agama
Other Titles: Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 154 of 2015 concerning Employee Performance Allowances within the Ministry of Religion
Authors: Mufid, Ibnu
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Kusmanto, Heri
Keywords: kebijakan;tunjangan kinerja;jfu/jft;policies;performance allowance
Issue Date: 29-Jun-2020
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;161801036
Abstract: Kebijakan Pemberian Tunjangan Kinerja Terhadap Pegawai Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Binjai merupakan implementasi dari Perpres Nomor 154 Tahun 2015 yang terkait erat dengan PMA Nomor 51 Tahun 2014 Tentang Nilai dan Kelas Jabatan Struktural dan Jabatan Fungsional Pada Kementerian Agama sebagai prasyarat pelaksanaan pembayaran tunjangan kinerja bagi seluruh pegawai Kantor Kementerian Agama. Tujuannya untuk mengeksplorasi implementasi kebijakan ini dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dari model implementasi George Edward ill dan melakukan analisis isi untuk mengetahui fakta-fakta terkini terkait implementasi kebijakan tersebut. Dimana data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi lapangan, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terdapat kekurangan dan kelemahan dari sisi komunikasi dan informasi karena terbitnya peraturan dengan penetapan JFU/JFT yang terlalu pendek waktunya. Namun dari sisi disposisi semua pegawai memberikan respon positif. Sedangkan dari sisi struktur birokrasi memiliki kelemahan disebabkan struktur yang panjang dan berjenjang. Kebijakan pemberian tunjangan kinerja pegawai Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Binjai awalnya mengalami kendala dalam penetapan JFU/JFT dan kelas jabatan disebabkan singkatnya waktu sosialisasi peraturan dan perbedaan nama JFU/JFT dan kelas jabatan tersebut, sehingga belum semua pegawai memahami JFU/JFT baru tersebut, akibatnya pemilihan JFU belum sepenuhnya maksimal karena minimnya informasi yang diperoleh pegawai. The Policy for Providing Performance Allowances for Office Employees of the Ministry of Religion of Binjai City is an implementation of Presidential Decree Number 154 of 2015 which is closely related to PMA Number 51 of 2014 concerning Values and Classes of Structural and Functional Positions at the Ministry of Religion as a prerequisite for implementing the payment of performance allowances for all Office employees Ministry of Religion. The aim is to explore the implementation of this policy using qualitative methods from George Edward Ill's implementation model and to conduct content analysis to find out the latest facts regarding the implementation of the policy. Where data is obtained through in-depth interviews, field observations, and documentation studies. The results showed that there were shortcomings and weaknesses in terms of communication and information due to the issuance of regulations by determining the JFU I JFT which was too short in time. However, from the disposition side, all employees gave a positive response. Meanwhile, in terms of the bureaucratic structure, it has weaknesses due to the long and tiered structure. The policy of providing performance allowances for employees of the Ministry of Religion Office of Binjai City initially experienced problems in determining the JFU I JFT and class of office due to the short time for socialization of the regulations and differences in the name of the JFU I JFT and the class of office, so that not all employees understood the new JFU I JFT, as a result of the election. JFU has not been fully maximized due to the lack of information obtained by employees.
Description: 95 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Public Administration

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