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Title: Hubungan Job Demands dengan Work Engagement pada Karyawan Bagian Gudang PT. HRD Mandiri Unit Ciomas
Other Titles: The Relationship between Job Demands and Work Engagement for Warehouse Employees at PT. HRD Mandiri Ciomas Unit
Authors: Harahap, Rifa’i
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Chandra, Andy
Keywords: job demands;work engagement;karyawan;employees
Issue Date: Aug-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;198600053
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan Job demands dengan work engagement pada karyawan PT.HRD Mandiri Unit Ciomas. Bahwa work engagement adalah kondisi keterikatan karyawan secara positif terhadap pekerjaannya yang diperlihatkan dengan adanya pemberian energi maupun semangat, konsentrasi, serta terlibat aktif dalam pekerjaan. Tinggi rendahnya Work Engagement dapat di lihat dari skala yang disusun peneliti berdasarkan aspek-aspek work engagement menurut Schaufeli & Bakker, (dalam Bakker dan Leiter 2010) adalah vigor, dedication dan absorption. Pendekatan penelitian adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasi. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan bagian gudang di PT.HRD Mandiri Unit Ciomas yang berjumlah 35 orang, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel non probability sampling yaitu teknik total sampling. Pengambilan data digunakan dengan menggunakan skala job demands dan work engagement. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data korelasi person product moment menunjukkan adanya hubungan negatif antara job demands dengan work engagement dimana rxy = -0,596 dengan p = 0,000 < 0,005. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa job demands berhubungan dengan work engagement sebesar 35,5 % hal ini didapat dari = 0,355. Berdasarkan hasil nilai rata-rata empirik dan hipotetik dapat disimpulkan bahwa job demands yang diterima tergolong tinggi dengan mean hipotetik 50 dan empirik 57,60 serta work engagement yang dimiliki tergolong rendah dengan mean hipotetik 70 dan mean empirik 59,40. Hal ini berarti hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. This study aims to look at the relationship between job demands and work engagement among employees at PT. HRD Mandiri Ciomas Unit. Whereas work engagement is a condition of positive employee attachment to their work which is shown by the provision of energy and enthusiasm, concentration, and being actively involved in work. The level of work engagement can be seen from the scale compiled by researchers based on aspects of work engagement according to Schaufeli & Bakker, (in Bakker and Leiter 2010) namely vigor, dedication and absorption. The research approach is a quantitative approach to the type of correlation research. The population in this study were all warehouse employees at PT. HRD Mandiri Unit Ciomas, totaling 35 people, using a non-probability sampling technique, namely total sampling technique. Data collection is used using the job demands and work engagement scales. Based on the results of person product moment correlation data analysis, it shows that there is a negative relationship between job demands and work engagement where rxy = -0.596 with p = 0.000 <0.005. This study proves that job demands are related to work engagement by 35.5%, this is obtained from r^2 = 0.355. Based on the results of the empirical and hypothetical average values, it can be concluded that the job demands received are relatively high with a hypothetical mean of 50 and empirical 57.60, and work engagement is relatively low with a hypothetical mean of 70 and an empirical mean of 59.40. This means that the proposed hypothesis is accepted.
Description: 74 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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