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dc.contributor.advisorDewi, Ira Kesuma-
dc.description92 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan religiusitas dengan kenakalan remaja di Panca Budi Medan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja SMA Panca Budi Medan berjumlah 345 orang kelas XI. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Religiusitas dalam penelitian ini diukur berdasarkan aspek religiusitas yaitu Religious Practice, Religious Belief, Religios Knowledge, Religious Feeling, Religious Effect. Kenakalan remaja dalam penelitian ini diukur berdasarkan aspek kenakalan remaja yaitu: Perilaku yang menyakiti diri sendiri dan orang lain, Perilaku yang membahayakan hak milik orang lain, Perilaku yang tidak terkendali, yaitu perilaku yang tidak mematuhi orangtua dan guru, Perilaku yang membahayakan diri sendiri dan orang lain. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis korelasi product moment, dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif antara Religiusitas dengan Kenakalan remaja. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien korelasi rxy = -0,626, dengan Signifikan p= 0,000 < 0,05. Koefisien determinan (r2) dari hubungan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat adalah r2= 0,.392. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Religiusitas berdistribusi sebesar 39.20% terhadap Kenakalan remaja. Berdasarkan uji mean dapat disimpulkan bahwa religiusitas tergolong sedang dengan nilai hipotetik sebesar 100 dan empiric sebesar 75,311. Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa kenakalan remaja tergolong rendah dengan nilai hipotetik sebesar 100 dan empiric sebesar 107.819. This study research aims to determine the correlation between religiosity and juvenile delinquency at SMA Panca Budi Medan. The type of research is a quantitative approach. The population in this study were 345 adolescents from SMA Panca Budi Medan. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. Religiosity in this study is measured based on aspects of religiosity, namely Religious Practice, Religious Belief, Religios Knowledge, Religious Feeling, Religious Effect. Juvenile delinquency in this study was measured based on aspects of juvenile delinquency, namely: Behavior that hurts oneself and others, Behavior that endangers the property of others, Behavior that is out of control, namely behavior that does not obey parents and teachers, Behavior that endangers oneself and other. Based on the calculation results of product moment correlation analysis, it can be seen that there is a negative correlation between Religiosity and Juvenile Delinquency. This result is proven by the correlation coefficient rxy = -0.626, with a significant p = 0.000 <0.05. The determinant coefficient (r2) of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is r2= 0.392. This shows that religiosity has a distribution of 39.20% of juvenile delinquency. Based on the mean test, it can be concluded that religiosity is classified as moderate with a hypothetical value of 100 and an empirical value of 75.311. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that juvenile delinquency is classified as low with a hypothetical value of 100 and an empirical value of 107,819.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectKenakalan remajaen_US
dc.subjectJuvenile Delinquencyen_US
dc.titleHubungan Religiusitas Dengan Kenakalan Remaja Di SMA Panca Budi Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Relationship between Religiosity and Juvenile Delinquency at Panca Budi High School, Medanen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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