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Title: Karakteristik Ketel Uap Pipa Air Kapasitas 246 Ton Uap/Jam
Other Titles: Characteristics of a Water Pipe Steam Boiler with a Capacity of 246 Tons of Steam/Hour
Authors: Amri, Hairul
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: -
Keywords: ketel uap;waterwall;superheater tubes;steam boiler;waterwall;superheater tubes
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;078130044
Abstract: Dalam kondisi krisis energi saat ini, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) merupakan pembangkit termal yang banyak digunakan karena mempunyai efisiensi yang baik dan dapat menggunakan berbagai jenis bahan bakar sesuai rancangannya. Untuk memproduksi uapnya digunakan pesawat konversi energi yaitu ketel uap. Ketel uap merupakan gabungan dari beberapa peralatan yang bekerja pada temperatur tinggi, seperti waterwall pada dinding bagian dalam dan superheater tubes yang menerima panas dari gas asap hasil pembakaran di ruang bakar dimana di dalam bersirkulasi air. Disamping itu ketel uap perlu mendapat perhatian khusus karena bekerja pada tekanan tinggi sehingga pemiluhan materialnya dan pengoperasiannya harus sesuai dengan Standard Operating Procudure (SOP). Secarq garis besar bagian utama ketel uap terdiri dari ruang bakar, waterwall, drum dan superheater tubes. Pada perancangan ini, ketel uap mempunyai kap(!-sitas 246 ton/jam dengan tekanan kerja 89 bar dan menghasilkan efisiensi sebesar 89,8%. In the current energy crisis, Steam Power (power plant) is a thermal power plant that is widely used because it has good efficiency and can use various types of fuel according to its design. To produce steam energy conversion of the aircraft used steam boiler. Boiler is a combination of several components which work at high temperatures, such as on the inner walls of the waterwall and superheater tubes receiving heat from the smoke gases of combustion in the combustion chamber where in the circulating water. Besides boiler needs special attention because of working at high pressure so that pemiluhan material and the operation must comply with Standard Operating Procudure (SOP). Broadly speaking, the main part consists of the boiler combustion chamber, waterwall, drum and super heater tubes. In this design, the boiler has a capacity of 246 tons I hour with a working pressure of 89 bar and produced efficiencies of 89. 8%.
Description: 62 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Mechanical Engineering

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