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dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Rahmi-
dc.contributor.authorAzmi, Ridha Fadilah-
dc.description200 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan pada remaja penyandang tunarungu berprestasi. Dimana bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prestasi remaja penyandang tunarungu, bagaimana kepercayaan diri remaja penyandang tunarungu berprestasi, dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri remaja penyandang tunarungu berprestasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Jumlah responden penelitian ini sebanyak 3 orang dengan karakteristik remaja penyandang tunarungu yang berprestasi bidang seni di SLB Melati Aisyiyah. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa ketiga responden memiliki prestasi di bidang seni. Ketiga responden memiliki keyakinan akan kemampuannya masing-masing, memiliki sikap optimis akan menang saat mengikuti perlombaan dan yakin dengan cita-citanya, serta bersikap objektif dengan senantiasa memberi pertolongan jika dibutuhkan dan menegur jika seseorang berbuat salah tanpa pandang bulu. Responden pertama dan kedua kurang bertanggung jawab dan masih mau meninggalkan kewajiban mengerjakan tugasnya, sedangkan responden ketiga memiliki rasa bertanggung jawab dan selalu mengerjakan tugasnya. Ketiga responden juga kurang rasional dan realistis dalam berpikir tentang tujuan pembelajaran dan risiko melanggar aturan. Ketiga responden bangga terhadap kemampuan yang dimiliki, menilai bahwa dirinya bersikap baik sehingga dekat dengan teman dan keluarga, serta mampu menata penampilan agar tampil rapih dan wangi. Ketiga responden memiliki pengalaman positif yang berkesan, mendapat dukungan dan persetujuan sosial dari teman, guru, dan keluarga. Ketiga responden juga memiliki kompetensi dan prestasi di bidang non akademik khususnya seni. Namun, ketiga responden kurang memberi respon saat menghadapi masalah. Ketiga responden cenderung diam dan tertutup jika memiliki masalah belajar dan masalah lainnya seperti masalah dengan teman ataupun masalah dengan keluarga. This research is a study conducted on deaf adolescents with achievement. Where it aims to find out how the achievements of adolescents with hearing impairments, how the self-confidence of adolescents with hearing impairment achieves, and the factors that influence the self-confidence of adolescents with hearing impairments achieve. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The number of respondents to this study were 3 people with the characteristics of deaf adolescents who excel in the arts at SLB Melati Aisyiyah. Data collection techniques using interview and observation methods. The results of the study explained that the three respondents had achievements in the arts. The three respondents had confidence in their own abilities, had an optimistic attitude that they would win when participating in competitions and believed in their goals, and were objective by always providing help when needed and reprimanding if someone made a mistake indiscriminately. The first and second respondents are less responsible and still want to leave the obligation to do their job, while the third respondent has a sense of responsibility and always does his job. The three respondents are also less rational and realistic in thinking about learning objectives and the risk of breaking the rules. The three respondents were proud of their abilities, considered that they behaved well so that they were close to friends and family, and were able to arrange their appearance so that they looked neat and smelled good. All three respondents had memorable positive experiences, receiving social support and approval from friends, teachers and family. The three respondents also have competence and achievements in non-academic fields, especially art. However, the three respondents did not respond when facing problems. The three respondents tended to be quiet and introverted if they had learning problems and other problems such as problems with friends or problems with family.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectKepercayaan Dirien_US
dc.titleKepercayaan Diri Remaja Penyandang Tunarungu Berprestasien_US
dc.title.alternativeSelf-Confidence in Achieving Deaf Adolescentsen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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198600294 - Ridha Fadilah Azmi - Fulltext.pdfCover, Abstract, Chapter I, II, III, V, Bibliography3.37 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
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