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dc.contributor.authorAldris, Muhammad-
dc.description63 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan intensitas bermain game online Mobile legend dengan kecerdasan emosi pada remaja di Game center makronet medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah remaja yang bermain di game center makronet dan sampel yang diambil sebanyak 35 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu Nonprobability sampling dengan jenis Quota sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,720 dengan p < 0,05, hasil ini menunjukan ada hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara intensitas bermain game online mobile legend dengan kecerdasan emosi. Yang artinya semakin tinggi intensitas bermain, maka tingkat kecerdasan emosi semakin rendah, sebaliknya semakin rendah intensitas bermain, maka tingkat kecerdasan emosi semakin tinggi. Dari hasil analisis ini diketahui bahwa kecerdasan emosi remaja yang bermain di game center makronet medan tergolong rendah (mean hipotetik = 72,5 > mean empirik = 57,06 ) sedangkan intensitas bermain tergolong sangat tinggi (mean hipotetik = 50 < mean Empirik = 68,37 ) Adapun koefisien determinasi dari korelasi tersebut adalah sebesar R²= 0,518 artinya intensitas bermain game online mobile legend memberikan sumbangan terhadap kecerdasan emosi remaja di game center makronet sebesar 51,8% . This study aims to determine the Correlation between the intensity of playing Mobile legend online games and emotional intelligence in adolescents at the Medan Makron Game Center. This research uses quantitative research methods. The subjects in this study were teenagers who played in the macronet game center and 35 samples were taken. The sampling technique used is nonprobability sampling with Quota sampling. The results showed a correlation coefficient of -0.720 with p <0.05, these results showed that there was a significant negative Correlation between the intensity of playing mobile legend online games and emotional intelligence. Which means the higher the intensity of play, the lower the level of emotional intelligence, conversely the lower the intensity of play, the higher the level of emotional intelligence. From the results of this analysis it is known that the emotional intelligence of adolescents who play in the field macronet game center is classified as low (hypothetical mean = 72.5 > empirical mean = 57.06 ) while playing intensity is very high (hypothetical mean = 50 < Empirical mean = 68.37 ) The coefficient of determination of this correlation is R² = 0.518, meaning that the intensity of playing mobile legend online games contributes to the emotional intelligence of adolescents in the macronet game center by 51.8%.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectintensitas bermainen_US
dc.subjectkecerdasan emosien_US
dc.subjectplaying intensityen_US
dc.subjectemotional intelligenceen_US
dc.titleHubungan antara Intensitas Bermain Game Online Mobile Legend dengan Kecerdasan Emosi pada Remaja di Gane Center Markonet MMTC Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Relationship between the Intensity of Playing Mobile Legend Online Games and Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents at the Gane Center Markonet MMTC Medanen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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