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Title: Tinjauan Yuridis terhadap Pembatalan Putusan Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen(Bpsk) Nomor :896/Pdt.Sus/Bpsk/2016/Pn.Mdn
Other Titles: Juridical Review of the Cancellation of Decisions of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency (Bpsk) Number: 896/Pdt.Sus/Bpsk/2016/Pn.Mdn
Authors: Silaban, Daniel Sahata
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Lubis, Elvi Zahara
Hidayani, Sri
Keywords: pembatalan putusan di bpsk (badan penyelesaikan sengketa konsumen);cancellation of decision at BPSK (consumer dispute resolution body)
Issue Date: 15-Dec-2017
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;128400029
Abstract: Perlindungan terhadap Konsumen dilakukan dengan Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen yang bertugas untuk menyelesaian sengketa terhadap pelaku usaha dan Konsumen. Konsep perlindungan konsumen memerlukan pembinaan sikap, dan berdasarkan Undang-Undang dalam penjelasaan umum Undang- Undang perlindungan konsumen disebutkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaannya akan tetap memperhatikan hak dan kepentingan pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah, dan Berdirinya Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen yang ditegaskan bahwa adanya larang-larangan ini dimaksudkan untuk menempatkan kedudukan konsumen serta dengan pelaku usaha berdasarkan prinsip berkontrak. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengambil putusan ke Pengadilan Negeri Medan. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelitian kepustakaan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan, majalah, surat kabar, literatur ilmiah, dokumen- dokumen dan buku kepustakaan hukum yang relevan dengan rumusan masalah ini. Penelitian hukum ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen Dari Pihak Perusahaan jika Konsumen dirugikan dan Bagaimana cara Konsumen Untuk Mengetahui Hak-Haknya sebagai Konsumen serta Bagaimana proses yang dibuat BPSK kepada pihak Konsumen dan Pihak Perusahaan melalui putusan Nomor : 896/PDT. SUS/BPSK/2016/PN. MDN Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Proses penyelesaian yang dilakukan terhadap para pihal melalui Arbitrase dimana dengan keputusan Hakim Menjatuhkan dilihat dari fakta-fakta dan alat bukti, hakim Menolak Permohonan Pemohon.pelaku usaha mengembalikan Mobil Kepada Konsumen dengan syarat konsumen membayar uang cicilan. Protection of consumers is carried out by the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency which is tasked with resolving disputes between business actors and consumers. The concept of consumer protection requires attitude development, and based on the Law in the general explanation of the Consumer Protection Law it is stated that in its implementation it will continue to pay attention to the rights and interests of small and medium business actors, and the establishment of the Consumer Protection Law which emphasizes that there are prohibitions This is intended to place the position of consumers and business actors based on contractual principles. The research was carried out by taking a decision to the Medan District Court. The data collection method was carried out through library research on statutory regulations, magazines, newspapers, scientific literature, documents and legal literature books that were relevant to the formulation of this problem. This legal research aims to find out how legal protection is for consumers from the company if the consumer is harmed and how consumers know their rights as consumers and what process BPSK has made for consumers and companies through decision number: 896/PDT. SUS/BPSK/2016/PN. MDN The results of the research show that the settlement process carried out against the parties was through arbitration, where with the judge's decision to hand down, judging from the facts and evidence, the judge rejected the Petitioner's application. The business actor returned the car to the consumer on the condition that the consumer pay the installments.
Description: 74 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Law

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