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dc.contributor.advisorRangkuti, Nuril Mahda-
dc.contributor.authorSajiwo, Agung-
dc.description90 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenentuan tarif angkutan umum ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor seperti kondisi ekonomi masyarakat, biaya perawatan/suku cadang, harga BBM, infrastruktur dan sebagainya. Perubahan harga BBM sangat mempengaruhi Biaya Operasional Kendaraan yang juga mempengaruhi nilai kemauan dan kemampuan pengguna angkutan umum, sehingga untuk mengetahui tarif perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang Biaya Operasional Kendaraan, Kemampuan Membayar dan Kesediaan Membayar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah tarif angkutan bus antar kota antar provinsi (AKAP) saat ini sudah sesuai dengan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK) menurut peraturan Dinas Perhubungan dan untuk mengetahui daya beli penumpang terhadap tarif yang berlaku dalam hal kemampuan (Ability To Pay) dan kemauan (Willingness To Pay). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis sedangkan metode perhitungannya menggunakan metode Dinas Perhubungan. Dari hasil analisis data tarif berdasarkan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK) yang dikeluarkan oleh PT. ALS sebesar Rp. 242.150. berdasarkan Kemampuan Untuk Membayar (ATP) sebesar Rp. 102.933. Berdasarkan Kesediaan Membayar sebesar Rp. 241.850. Tarif Angkutan Bus Antar Kota Antar Provinsi (AKAP) Saat Ini di PT. Rute ALS untuk rute Medan- Pekanbaru jika dilihat dari Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (BOK) sudah sesuai, karena selisih dari hasil analisis tarif berdasarkan biaya operasi kendaraan dengan tarif saat ini hanya Rp. 2.850 yang artinya relatif kecil dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan membayar penumpang terhadap tarif yang berlaku saat ini jika dilihat dari kemampuan membayar adalah pendapatan penumpang. Pendapatan rata-rata per bulan penumpang bus ini di bawah Rp. 5.000.000 yang menandakan kemampuan membayar penumpang atas tarif yang berlaku saat ini cukup rendah. Kemudian faktor yang mempengaruhi kemauan membayar penumpang pada bus ini adalah pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pihak penyedia jasa transportasi. The determination of public transport fares is determined by several factors such as the economic conditions of the community, the cost of maintenance/spare parts, fuel prices, infrastructure and so on. Changes in fuel prices greatly affect Vehicle Operating Costs which also affect the value of willingness and ability of public transport users, so to find out the fare it is necessary to conduct research on Vehicle Operating Costs, Ability To Pay and Willingness To Pay. This study aims to find out whether the current tariffs for inter-city inter-provincial bus transportation (AKAP) are appropriate in terms of Vehicle Operating Costs (BOK) according to the Department of Transportation regulations and to find out the purchasing power of passengers against the current tariffs in terms of ability (Ability To Pay) and willingness (Willingness To Pay). This research method uses descriptive analytical method while the calculation method uses the Department of Transportation method. From the results of analysis of tariff data based on Vehicle Operating Costs (BOK) issued by PT. ALS of Rp. 242,150. based on Ability To Pay (ATP) of Rp. 252,656. Based on the Willingness To Pay of Rp. 241,850. the existing tariff is Rp. 245,000, this rate is below the value of ability to pay and above the value of willingness to pay. The rates determined by the transportation service provider when viewed from the Vehicle Operating Costs (BOK) are appropriate, because the difference from the results of the analysis of tariffs based on vehicle operating costs with the current rates is only Rp. 2,850 which means it is relatively small and the factors that influence the ability to pay passengers against the current fare when viewed from the ability to pay are passenger income which is relatively high. The average monthly income of passengers on this bus is above Rp. 1,000,000 which indicates the ability to pay passengers for the current fare is quite high and from the results of fare analysis in terms of ability to pay, the average value is Rp. 252,656. This value is greater than the current rate of Rp. 245.0000. Then the factors that influence the willingness to pay for passengers on this bus are the services provided by the transportation service provider. the results of the analysis reviewed from willingness to pay show that the average passenger willingness to pay is Rp. 241,850. This value is below the current tariff which indicates that the willingness to pay passengers is quite low.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectVehicle Operating Costs (BOK)en_US
dc.subjectAbility To Pay (ATP)en_US
dc.subjectWillingness To Pay (WTP)en_US
dc.subjectBiaya Operasional Kendaraanen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Tarif Angkutan Umum Berdasarkan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan (Bok), Ability To Pay Dan Willingness To Payen_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Public Transport Tariffs Based on Vehicle Operating Costs (Bok), Ability To Pay And Willingness To Payen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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