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dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Rahmi-
dc.contributor.authorSimanjuntak, Judith Audry Alsim-
dc.description133 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Hubungan Religiusitas Dengan Diskriminasi Kepada Lesbian Pada Wargabinaan Pemasyarakatan Di Rutan Perempuan Kelas II A Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 orang wargabinaan. Religiusitas diukur berdasarkan dimensi menurut Huber & Huber (2012), Religiusitas yaitu Intelektual, Ideologi, Public Practice, Private Practice dan Pemgalaman religius. Diskriminasi diukur berdasarkan aspek-aspek diskriminasi Sarwono (2009). Memperlakukan orang lain secara berbeda dan Perilaku negatif terhadap orang lain atau target prasangka. Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi product moment, terdapat hubungan positif antara Religiustas dan Diskriminasi. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien korelasi rxy = 0,451, dengan Signifikan p= 0,000 < 0,05. Koefisien determinan (r2) 0,203. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Religiusitas berdistribusi sebesar 20,3% terhadap Diskriminasi. Hal ini menunjukkan ada 79,7% faktor lain yang mempengaruhi Diskriminasi. Disimpulkan bahwa Religiusitas tergolong tinggi dengan nilai mean hipotetik sebesar 39.000 dan nilai mean empirik 50.73, diskriminasi tergolong sedang dengan nilai mean hipotetik sebesar 69.000 nilai mean empiric 63.07. The aim of this study was to examine the Correlation of Religiousity and Discrimination of Lesbian in Rutan Perempuan Kelas II A Medan Prisoners. This research uses quantitative research methods. The research sample is 100 prisoners. Religousity is measured based on dimension according to Huber & Huber (2012), Religousity namely Intellectual, Ideology, Public Practice, Private Practice and Religious Experience. Discrimination is measured based on aspects of discrimination Sarwono (2009)Treating others differently, Negative behavior towards others or target of prejudice. Based on the results of the product moment correlation analysis, there is a positive relationship between Religiousity and Discrimination. This result is evidenced by the correlation coefficient rxy = 0,451, with a significant p = 0.000 <0.05. The coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.203. This shows that religiousity is distributed at 20,3% of discrimination. This shows that there are 79,7% of other factors that influence discrimination. It was concluded that Religiousity was high with a hypothetical mean value of 39,000 and an empirical mean value of 50,73. Discrimination is classified as medium with a mean hypothetical value of 69,000 with an empirical mean value of 63.07.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.titleHubungan Religiusitas dengan Diskriminasi Kepada Lesbian pada Wargabinaan Pemasyarakatan di Rutan Perempuan Kelas II A Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Correlation Of Religiousity And Discrimination Of Lesbian In Rutan Perempuan Kelas II A Medan Prisonersen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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