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Title: Hubungan Kepuasan Kerja dengan Emotional Labor di Subdit Gakkum Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polda Sumut
Other Titles: The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Emotional Labor In Gakkum Directorate Of Traffic Directorate Of Polda Sumut
Authors: Harahap, Dandy Fattah Nugraha
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Nugraha, M. Fadli
Keywords: kepuasan kerja;emotional labor;personil;job satisfaction;emotional labor;personnel
Issue Date: Oct-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;198600371
Abstract: Pelitian ini bertujuan menguji yaitu Hubungan Kepuasan Kerja Dengan Emotional Labor Pada SUBDIT GAKKUM DIREKTORAT LALU LINTAS POLDA. Penelitian menggunakan tipe kuantitatif koralasional dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 67 orang. Skala disusun dengan model likert. Pengukuran Kepuasan kerja dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala Kepuasan kerja yang disusun peneliti berdasarkan aspek-aspek: Kesesuaian, Rasa adil, Hilangnya perasaan tidak puas, dan Satisfiers. Selanjutnya emotional labor disusun dari aspek- Aspek Emotional Labor menurut Robbin dan Judge (2008) Surface Acting, Deep Acting, Frequency, Variety, dan Intensity.Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis korelasi product moment, dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara Kepuasan kerja dengan Emotional labor. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien korelasi rxy = 0.775, dengan Signifikan p= 0,000 < 0,05. Koefisien determinan (r2) dari hubungan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat adalah r2= 0.600. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Kepuasan kerja berdistribusi sebesar 60,00% terhadap Emotional labor. This research aims to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and emotional labor in the GAKKUM SUBDIT, POLDA TRAFFIC DIRECTORATE. This research uses a correlational quantitative type with a total population of 67 people. The scale is arranged using the Likert model. Measurement of job satisfaction in this study used a scale of job satisfaction that was compiled by researchers based on the following aspects: Appropriateness, sense of fairness, loss of feelings of dissatisfaction, and satisfiers. Furthermore, emotional labor is compiled from aspects of Emotional Labor according to Robbin and Jude (2008) SurfaceActing, DeepActing, Frequency, Variety, and Intensity. Based on the calculation results of product moment correlation analysis, it can be seen that there is a positife relationship between job satisfaction and Emotional labor. This result is proven by the correlation coefficient rxy = 0.775, with a significant p = 0.000 <0.05. The determinant coefficient (r2) of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is r2= 0.600. This shows that job satisfaction is distributed by 60.00% of Emotional labor.
Description: 75 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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