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Title: Pengaruh Citra Merek dan Persepsi Harga terhadap Minat Beli Thrift Shop (Pakaian Bekas Branded di Pasar Melati) pada Konsumen di Kalangan Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas (Studi pada Mahasiswa Stambuk 2018 - 2022)
Other Titles: The Influence of Brand Image and Price Perception on Interest in Buying Thrift Shops (Branded Used Clothes at Pasar Melati) among Consumers Among Students at the Faculty of Economics & Business, Santo Thomas Catholic University (Study of Stambuk Students 2018 - 2022)
Authors: Br Tobing, Seldina
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Syahriandy
Pribadi, Teddi
Keywords: citra merek;persepsi harga;minat beli;brand image;perceived price;purchase intention
Issue Date: 5-Oct-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;198320070
Abstract: Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan dalam mengetahui “Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Persepsi Harga Terhadap Minat Beli Thrift Shop (pakaian bekas Branded di Pasar Melati) Pada Konsumen Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Stambuk 2018-2022)”. Yang mana citra merek diartikan sebagai deskripsi asosiasi dan kepercayaan pelanggan pada berbagai merek. Citra merk (Brand Image) merupakan keyakinan atupun pengamatan yang diterapkan pelanggan berupa yang digambarkan dari asosiasi ataupun ingatan dari konsumen. Persepsi harga merupakan nilai yang terdapat pada sebuah tarif yang mempunyai hubungan dengan kegunaan bagi yang memanfaatkan jasa ataupun produk tertentu. Dan minat beli adalah sesuatu yang timbul dengan sendiri sesudah memperoleh respon dari barang yang sudah dilihat, kemudian muncullah minat beli dan rasa ingin memilikinya. Adapun jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian assosiatif kausal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini merupakan pengguna Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Stambuk 2018–2022 Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas yang terdiri dari 1.500 mahasiswa dengan jumlah sampel mencapai 100 responden. Teknik untuk mengambil sampel pada penelitian ini menerapkan non probability sampling dengan pendekatan purposive sampling dan teknik pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan menyebar kuesioner dari Google Form. Berdasarkan hasil Uji t didapati bahwa citra merek (X1) memberi pengaruh nyata dan positif pada minat beli Thrift Shop (pakaian bekas Branded di Pasar Melati), persepsi harga (X2) memberi pengaruh nyata dan positif pada minat beli Thrift Shop (pakaian bekas Branded di Pasar Melati), dan Citra merek dan persepsi harga secara simultan memberi pengaruh nyata dan positif pada minat beli Thrift Shop (pakaian bekas Branded di Pasar Melati) pada konsumen di Kalangan Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Stambuk 2018–2022 Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas. Pada uji koefisien determinasi (R2) didapati nilai Adjust R Square sebesar 0,531 atau setara dengan persentase sebesar 53,1%. Sehingga sesuai dengan teori pedoman terkait interval koefisien determinasi (R2), variabel independen mempunyai kapasitas yang sedang (0,40–0,59) untuk menerangkan variasi variabel dependen pada penelitian ini. This study aims to determine "The Influence of Brand Image and Price Perceptions on Purchase Intention of Thrift Shop (Branded Used Clothing at the Melati Market) among Consumers Among Students of the Faculty of Economics & Business, Santo Thomas Catholic University (Study on Stambuk Students 2018-2022)". Which brand image is defined as a description of the association and consumer belief in a particular brand. Brand image is the observation and belief held by consumers, as reflected in associations or in consumer memory. Perceived price is the value contained in a price that has a relationship with the benefits for those who use certain products or services. And buying interest is something that arises by itself after receiving stimulation from the goods he has seen, then there is interest in buying and a sense of wanting to own it. This type of research is a causal associative research. The participants in this study are the 2018–2022 Stambuk Faculty of Economics & Business Student users of Santo Thomas Catholic University which consists of 1,500 students with a total sample of 100 respondents. In this study, a non-probability sampling method with a purposive sampling strategy was used, and data gathering methods involved sending questionnaires via a Google Form. Based on the results of the t test, it was found that brand image (X1) had a positive and significant effect on the intention to buy Thrift Shop (Branded used clothes at Pasar Melati), price perception (X2) had a positive and significant effect on the intention to buy Thrift Shop (Branded used clothes at Pasar Melati), and brand image and price perceptions simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on buying interest in Thrift Shop (Branded used clothing at Pasar Melati) among consumers among students of the Faculty of Economics & Business, Stambuk 2018–2022, Santo Thomas Catholic University. In the coefficient of determination test (R2) it was found that the Adjust R Square value was 0,531 or equivalent to a percentage of 56.4%. So that according to the guiding theory regarding the coefficient of determination interval (R2), the independent variable has moderate ability (0.40 – 0.59) in explaining the variation of the dependent variable in this study.
Description: 85 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Management

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