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dc.contributor.advisorMunir, Abdul-
dc.contributor.authorRamadhani, Dini-
dc.description138 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractSecara empirik, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan self esteem dan sosial ekonomi orang tua dengan perilaku asertif siswa UPT SMPN 1 Nibung Hangus. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 250 siswa dan yang menjadi sampel sebanyak 154 siswa dimana pengambilan sampelnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan skala psikologi, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda., uji hipotesis menggunakan uji F, dan uji koefisien determinasi (r2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ada hubungan yang signifikan self esteem dengan perilaku asertif siswa yang dilihat dari korelasi rx1y sebesar 0,130 dan koefisien determinan r2 = 0,445. Artinya bahwa self esteem berpengaruh memberikan konstribusi terhadap perilaku asertif sebesar 44,5%. (2) ada hubungan yang signifikan sosial ekonomi orangtua dengan perilaku asertif siswa yang dilihat dari korelasi rx2y sebesar 0,159 dan koefisien determinan r2 = 0,405. Artinya bahwa sosial ekonomi orangtua berpengaruh memberikan konstribusi terhadap perilaku asertif sebesar 40,5%. (3) ada hubungan yang signifikan self esteem dan sosial ekonomi orangtua dengan perilaku asertif siswa yang dilihat dari koefisien Freg = 4,96 dan koefisien korelasi rx1x2y = 0,248 dan koefisien determinan r2 = 0,662. Artinya bahwa self esteem dan sosial ekonomi orangtua berpengaruh memberikan kontribusi terhadap perilaku asertif sebesar 66,2%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis diterima. Empirically, this study was aimed to see the correlation between self ssteem and economic Social of parents with assertive behavior of the UPT SMPN 1 Nibung Hangus students. The population in this study was 250 students and the sample was 154 students where sampling was carried out using random sampling. The data collection technique uses a psychological scale, while data analysis uses multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing uses the F test, and the coefficient of determination test (r2). The research results show that: (1) there is a significant relationship between self-esteem and students' assertive behavior as seen from the correlation rx1y of 0.130 and the determinant coefficient r2 = 0.445. This means that self-esteem has an effect on contributing to assertive behavior by 44.5%. (2) there is a significant relationship between parents' socioeconomic status and students' assertive behavior as seen from the correlation rx2y of 0.159 and the determinant coefficient r2 = 0.405. This means that parents' socio-economic influence contributes to assertive behavior by 40.5%. (3) there is a significant relationship between self-esteem and parents' socio-economics with students' assertive behavior as seen from the Freg coefficient = 4.96 and the correlation coefficient rx1x2y = 0.248 and the determinant coefficient r2 = 0.662. This means that parents' self-esteem and socio-economic influence contribute to assertive behavior by 66.2%. Thus it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectperilaku asertifen_US
dc.subjectself esteemen_US
dc.subjectsosial ekonomi orangtuaen_US
dc.subjectassertive behavioren_US
dc.subjectself esteemen_US
dc.subjecteconomic social of parentsen_US
dc.titleHubungan Self Esteem dan Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua dengan Perilaku Asertif Pada Siswa UPT SMPN 1 Nibung Hangusen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe correlation between Self Esteem and Economic Social of Parents with Assertive Behavior of UPT SMPN 1 Nibung Hangus studentsen_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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