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dc.contributor.authorIndra, Roy-
dc.description65 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPada abad 20 ini, perkembangan dan kemajuan di dalam negeri cukup pesat, terutama pada bidang perindustrian, baik berupa industri yang sudah ada dan melakukan expansi usaha maupun pertumbuhan industri baru. Sejalan dengan itu permintaan atas supply energi listrik juga meningkat dengan pesat. Namun untuk saat ini persentase peningkatan penyediaan energi listrik dibandingkan dengan permintaan selisihnya cukup jauh. Masih terjadi under supply, yang artinya PLN masih belum dapat memenuhi sebagian permintaan energi listrik yang berdaya besar. Masalahnya dikarenakan penyediaan energi listrik oleh PLN sudah mendekat titik "klimak" lebih diperioritaskan kepada masyarakat awam dan instansi-instansi lainnya yang berdaya kecil. In the 20th century, development and progress in the country was quite rapid, especially in the industrial sector, both in the form of existing industries and business expansion as well as the growth of new industries. In line with this, the demand for electrical energy supply is also increasing rapidly. However, currently the percentage increase in electrical energy supply compared to demand is quite a big difference. There is still under supply, which means that PLN is still unable to meet some of the demand for high-power electrical energy. The problem is that the provision of electrical energy by PLN is approaching its "climax" point, giving priority to ordinary people and other agencies with little power.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectpompa sentrifugalen_US
dc.subjectsumur dalamen_US
dc.subjectcentrifugal pumpen_US
dc.subjectdeep wellen_US
dc.titlePompa Sentrifugal Sumur Dalamen_US
dc.title.alternativeDeep Well Centrifugal Pumpen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Mechanical Engineering

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