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dc.contributor.advisorBarky, Neneng Yulia-
dc.contributor.authorDarma, Septia-
dc.description50 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractSumatera Utara merupakan salah satu pulau terbesar di Indonesia yang beribu kotaMedan, Memiliki luas wilayah mencapai 72.460,744 km2, dengan jumlah penduduk mencapai 2,494,512 jiwa, dikelilingi 21 kecamatan. dikenal sebagai parisnya van sumatera. Kota Medan memiliki banyak keanekaragaman budaya yang unik, dilihat dari aspek kehidupan masyarakatnya, mulai dari tata bahasa, adat istiadat, pakaian, makanan, dan kesenian. diantaranya kesenian melayu, dan kesenian batak. Menurut Perda (Peraturan Daerah Kota Medan tentang Pelestarian Bangunan dan Lingkungan Cagar Budaya), Menekankan bahwa pengembangan ekonomi di Kota Medan harus mengutamakan keunggulan yang kompetitif, melalui pembangunan infrastruktur dan pelestarian kebudayaan daerah, terutama dalam bidang kesenian. Oleh karena itu kota medan membutuhkan tempat atau wadah kesenian salah satunya Art Center And Gallery ini, yang mana nantinya akan di banguanan dengan konsep Arsitektur kontemporer dengan memanfaatkan aspek likungan dalam mendesain baik dari segi material, rungan atupun sirkulasi, serta menerapkan karakteristik dan prinsip arsitektur kontemporer sebagai solusi dalam perancangan art centre and gallery di kota medan. North Sumatra is one of the largest islands in Indonesia with the capital city, Medan. Which is known as the Paris of Sumatra. Medan City has a lot of unique cultural diversity, seen from the aspects of community life, ranging from grammar, customs, clothing, food, and art including Malay art, and Batak art. According to Perda (Regional Regulation of Medan City on the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings and Environments), emphasizing that economic development in Medan City must prioritize competitive advantages, through infrastructure development and preservation of regional culture, especially in the field of arts. Therefore, the city of Medan needs a place or place of art, one of which is the design of this Art Center and Gallery, which will be built with the concept of contemporary architecture by utilizing aspects of the environment in designing both in terms of materials, space and circulation, as well as applying the characteristics and principles of contemporary architecture as a solution in designing art centers and galleries in the city of Medan.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectart centreen_US
dc.subjectkota medanen_US
dc.subjectarsitektur kontemporeren_US
dc.subjectcontemporary architectureen_US
dc.titlePerancangan Art Centr and Gallery di Kota Medan dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Kontemporeren_US
dc.title.alternativeDesign of an Art Center and Gallery in Medan City with a Contemporary architectural approachen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Architecture

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198140009 - Septia Darma Fulltext.pdfCover, Abstract, Chapter I, II, III, V, Bibliography1.75 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
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