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Title: Eksplorasi dan Identifikasi Patogen, Kejadian Penyakit dan Intensitas Penyakit Bercak Daun pada Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) di Kabupaten Simalungun
Other Titles: Exploration and Identification of Pathogens, Disease Occurrence and Intensity of Leaf Spot Disease in Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) Nurseries in Simalungun Regency
Authors: Mardiyanti
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Noer, Zulheri
Aziz, Rizal
Keywords: intensitas serangan;kelapa sawit;penyakit kelapa sawit;attack intensity;oil palm;oil palm disease
Issue Date: 27-Sep-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188210088
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berbagai jenis penyakit yang disebabkan oleh jamur yang menyerang daun bibit kelapa sawit (Elaeis gueneensis jacq.) pada tahap pembibtan awal (Pre Nursery) maupun pada tahap pembibitan utama (Main Nursery) di perkebunan Kabupten Simalungun dan Laboratorium PPKS di Proteksi Tanaman selama 5 bulan di mulai bulan November sampai Maret 2023. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei, dimana pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Dari masing-masing desa diidentifikasi beberapa lokasi pengambilan sampel yaitu PPKS, PTPN IV, dan Masyarakat. Tiap lokasi pembibitan diambil 10 tanaman sebagai sampel yang diambil secara diagonal. Pengamatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah diagnosis awal penyakit dilapangan, identifikasin penyebab penyakit di laboratorium meliputi karakteristik makroskopis, karakteristik mikroskopis, intensitas penyakit (%) dan kejadian penyakit (%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa penyakit yang menyerang di pembibitan kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Simalungun yaitu penyakit bercak daun yang disebabkan oleh jamur Curvularia sp, dan Pestalotiopsis sp. Jenis dan tingkat serangan bercak daun tertinggi terdapat di lokasi PPKS yaitu jamur Curvularia sp (50 %), jamur Pestalotiopsis sp (45%). Jenis dan tingkat serangan di lokasi PTPN IV Bahjambi yaitu jamur Curvularia sp (35%), jamur Pestalotiopsis sp (25%). Jenis dan tingkat serangan di lokasi PTPN IV Belimbingan yaitu jamur Pestalotiopsis sp (30%). Jenis dan tingkat serangan di lokasi PTPN IV Tinjoan yaitu jamur Pestalotiopsis sp (40%). Sedangkan jenis dan tingkat serangan di desa Silampuyang yaitu jamur Curvularia sp (15%), dan jamur Pestalotiopsis sp (20%). This study aims to determine the various types of diseases caused by fungi that attack the leaves of oil palm seedlings (Elaeis gueneensis jacq.) at the initial nursery stage (Pre Nursery) and at the main nursery stage (Main Nursery) in Simalungun Regency plantations and the PPKS Laboratory in Proteksi Plants for 5 months starting from November to March 2023. The research was conducted using the survey method, where sampling was carried out using the purposive sampling method. Several sampling locations were identified from each village, namely PPKS, PTPN IV, and the community. At each nursery location, 10 plants were taken as samples which were taken diagonally. Observations made in this study were initial diagnosis of disease in the field, identification of causes of disease in the laboratory including macroscopic characteristics, microscopic characteristics, disease intensity (%) and disease incidence (%). Based on the results of the study it was found that the diseases that attack the oil palm nurseries in Simalungun Regency are leaf spot disease caused by the fungus Curvularia sp, and Pestalotiopsis sp. The highest types and levels of leaf spot attack were found in PPKS locations, namely Curvularia sp (50%), Pestalotiopsis sp (45%). The type and level of attack at the PTPN IV Bahjambi location were Curvularia sp (35%), Pestalotiopsis sp (25%). The type and level of attack at PTPN IV Belimbingan was the fungus Pestalotiopsis sp (30%). Types and levels of attacks at the location of PTPN IV Tinjoan namely the fungus Pestalotiopsis sp (40%). Meanwhile, the type and level of attack in Silampuyang village were Curvularia sp (15%) and Pestalotiopsis sp (20%).
Description: 54 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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