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dc.contributor.advisorChandra, Andy-
dc.contributor.authorMasitah, Rachmania-
dc.description102 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractGhosting mengacu pada pemutusan hubungan sepihak secara tiba-tiba, adapun dampak yang sering dirasakan yaitu perasaan sedih, marah, kecewa dan tidak percaya diri. Untuk mengetahui dampak psikologis mahasiswa saat menerima perilaku ghosting penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Metode pengumpulan datanya melalui wawancara dan observasi. memiliki jumlah responden dua orang. Dalam penelitian ini karakteristik responden yang akan diteliti adalah Mahasiswa dewasa awal dengan rentang usia yang berusia delapan belas hingga dua puluh lima tahun. Analisis data yang digunakan di lapangan oleh peneliti yaitu analisis data Model Miles dan Huberman Hasil penelitian adanya dampak psikologis perilaku ghosting adalah menghasilkan emosi marah, menghasilkan emosi sedih dan tidak percaya diri .Penelitian ini terinspirasi dari maraknya kasus ghosting, dimana banyak orang yang menganggap hal ini bukan suatu perbuatan yang memberikan efek besar pada korban. Pelaku ghosting sendiri adalah orang yang sudah dianggap spesial bahkan sudah menjadi pasangan Ghosting refers to the sudden end of a one-sided relationship. The effects that are often felt are feelings of sadness, anger, disappointment, and lack of selfconfidence. In order to determine the psychological impact on students when receiving ghosting behavior, this research was a type of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The method of data collection was through interviews and observation. There were two respondents. In tbjs study, tl1e characteristics of the respondents who would be studied were students in early adulthood, wiili an age range of eighteen to twenty-five years. The data analysis used in the field by ilie researcher was the Miles and Huberman model data analysis. The results of the research showed that the psychological impact of ghosting behavior was that it produced angry emotions, sad emotions, and Jack of self-confidence. This research was inspired by the increase in ghosting cases, where many people believe it was not an act tlrnt had much impact on the victim. The perpetrator of ilie ghosting was someone who was considered special and had even become a partner.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectdampak psikologisen_US
dc.subjectpsychological impacten_US
dc.titleDampak Psikologis Perilaku Ghosting pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Psychological Impact of Ghosting Behavior among Psychology Students at the University of Medan Areaen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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