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dc.contributor.advisorHasman, Haryaji Cature Putera-
dc.contributor.advisorYunita, Nindya-
dc.contributor.authorSiburian, Ester-
dc.description107 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh content marketing dan event marketing terhadap brand image sepeda motor Honda pada masyarakat Kelurahan Mangga, Medan. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian asosiatif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini merupakan masyarakat kelurahan mangga, Medan yang memiliki sepeda motor Honda,dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara menyebar kuesioner secara langsung. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil uji t didapati bahwa variabel Content Marketing (X1) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel Brand Iamage (Y) dan variabel Event Marketing (X2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel Brand Image (Y). Berdasarkan hasi l uj i F didapat i bahwa variabel Content Marketing dan variabel Event Marketing secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel Brand Image. Pada uji Determinasi menjelaskan bahwa nilai adjust R square sebesar 0,324 atau persentase sebesar 32,4%. Sehingga hal ini menunjukan bahwa variable independen (brand image) mampu menjelaskan variabel dependen sebesar 32,4%, sisanya 67,4% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lainnya yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. This research aims to determine the influence of content marketing and event marketing on brand image of Honda motorbikes in the people of Mangga Village, Medan. This type of research is quantitative associative research. The population in this study is the people of Mangga sub-district, Medan who own Honda motorbikes, with a sample size of 100 respondents. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling technique and the data collection technique is carried out by distributing questionnaires directly. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistical analysis techniques and multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show that based on the results of the t test it was found that the Content Marketing variable (X1) had a positive and significant effect on the Brand Image variable (Y) and the Event Marketing variable (X2) had a positive and significant effect on the Brand Image variable (Y). Based on the results of the F test, it was found that the Content Marketing variable and the Event Marketing variable together had a positive and significant effect on the Brand Image variable. The Determination test explains that the adjusted R square value is 0.324 or a percentage of 32.4%. So this shows that the independent variable (brand image) is able to explain the dependent variable by 32.4%, the remaining 67.4% is explained by other factors not examined in this research.en_US
dc.subjectcontent marketingen_US
dc.subjectevent marketingen_US
dc.subjectbrand imageen_US
dc.subjectcontent marketingen_US
dc.subjectevent marketingen_US
dc.subjectbrand imageen_US
dc.title- Pengaruh Content Marketing dan Event Marketing terhadap Brand Image Sepeda Motor Honda pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Mangga, Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Influence of Content Marketing and Event Marketing on the Brand Image of Honda Motorcycles in the Community of Mangga Village, Medanen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Management

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