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dc.contributor.advisorAzmi, Fadhillah-
dc.contributor.authorSihombing, Jody Jensey-
dc.description40 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractProses sortir dan deteksi berat buah sawit masih dilakukan secara manual, yang tentunya rentan terhadap kesalahan dan ketidakakuratan. Selain itu, pengecekkan yang dilakukan secara manual atau konvensional tidak efisien dan efektif, sehingga diperlukan suatu sistem otomatis yang mampu melakukan sortir dan deteksi berat buah sawit. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mempermudah proses sortir tingkat kematangan dengan menggunakan sistem you only look once (YOLO) dan deteksi berat buah sawit menggunakan load cell. Dari data hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, sistem you only look once ini mampu mendeteksi tingkat kematangan buah sawit dengan akurasi 90% pada jarak 14,5 cm dan sensor load cell dapat melakukan pengukuran berat mulai dari 9 gram hingga 1kg dengan baik. Diantara timbangan digital dan timbangan analong yang memiliki selisih yang kecil dengan load cell yaitu timbangan digital . Outseal PLC diimplementasikan sebagai inti pengendali sistem, berkolaborasi dengan webcam dan perangkat pengukur berat untuk mencapai tujuan sortir dan deteksi berat. The process of sorting and detecting the weight of palm fruit is still done manually, which is certainly prone to errors and inaccuracies. In addition, manual or conventional inspections are not efficient and effective, so there is a need for an automatic system capable of sorting and determining the weight of palm fruit. The objective of this research was to simplify the process of sorting maturity levels using the You Only Look Once (YOLO) system and to detect the weight of palm fruit using a load cell. Based on the data from the tests conducted, the You Only Look Once system was able to detect the maturity level of palm fruit with 90% accuracy at a distance of 14.5 cm, and the load cell sensor was able to correctly perform weight measurements from 9 grams to 1 kg. Between digital and analog scales, the digital scale with load cells had a small difference. Outseal PLC was implemented as the core of the system controller,which cooperated with the webcam and weight measuring device to achieve the purpose of sorting and weight detecrion.en_US
dc.subjectsistem otomatisen_US
dc.subjectyou only look once (YOLO)en_US
dc.subjectoutseal PLCen_US
dc.subjectautomatic systemen_US
dc.titleRancang Bangun Sistem Sortir dan Deteksi Berat Buah Sawit Berbasis Outseal PLCen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Design of a PLC Outseal-Based Sorting and Weight Detection System for Palm Fruiten_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Electrical Engineering

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