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dc.contributor.advisorMinauli, Irna-
dc.contributor.advisorFauzia, Rahma-
dc.contributor.authorEdriany, Dhebby-
dc.description75 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractAuthentic Happiness muncul dari mengenali serta menumbuhkan kekuatan paling mendasar dan memanfaatkannya setiap hari dalam bekerja, mencintai, serta membesarkan anak. Individu menikah yang tidak memiliki anak (involuntarily childless) tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam membesarkan anak serta menumbuhkan emosi positif pada diri mereka yang merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam proses pencapaian Authentic Happiness. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala Authentic Happiness. Skala ini berjumlah 100 aitem, skala Authentic Happiness dikembangkan peneliti berdasarkan teori proses Authentic Happiness yang dikemukakan oleh Seligman, yaitu: Satisfaction About the Past, Happiness in the Present. Optimism About the Future, Penggunaan Strength dalam pekerj aan, Penggunaan Strength dalam cinta, dan Penggunaan stength dalam membesarkan anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai Authentic Happiness sangat rendah sebanyak 4 orang (16,7%), subjek yang termasuk kedalam nilai Authentic Happiness rendah sebanyak 2 orang (8,3%), subjek yang termasuk kedalam nilai Authentic Happiness sedang sebanyak 10 orang (41,7%), subjek yang termasuk kedalam nilai Authentic Happiness tinggi sebanyak 5 orang (20,8%), subjek yang termasuk kedalam nilai Authentic Happiness sangat tinggi sebanyak 3 orang (12,5%). Authentic Happiness arises from recognizing and cultivating strengths the most basic and utilize it every day in work, love, and raising children. Married individuals who do not have children (involuntarily childless) have no experience in raising children as well foster positive emotions in themselves which is one element important in the process of achieving Authentic Happiness. The measuring instrument used is the Authentic Happiness scale. This scale totaling 100 items, the Authentic Happiness scale was developed by researchers based on the theory of the Authentic Happiness process proposed by Seligman, namely: Satisfaction About the Past, Happiness in the Present. Optimism About the Future, Use of Strength in work, Use of Strength in love, and The use of strength in raising children. The research results show that the Authentic Happiness value is very low as many as 4 people (16.7%), subjects included in the Authentic value Low happiness was 2 people (8.3%), subjects included in the value Authentic Happiness was moderate as many as 10 people (41.7%), included subjects into high Authentic Happiness scores as many as 5 people (20.8%), subjects who including 3 people with very high Authentic Happiness scores (12.5%).en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectauthentic happinessen_US
dc.titleGambaran Authentic Happiness pada Pasangan Menikah yang Tidak Memiliki Anaken_US
dc.title.alternativeA Picture of Authentic Happiness in Married Couples Who Don't Have Childrenen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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