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Title: Perbedaan Mottvasi Belajar yang Diberikan Orang Tua Kepada Anak antara Etnik Batak dan Etnik Jawa di Simalungun
Other Titles: Differences in Learning Motivation Given by Parents to Children between Batak Ethnic and Javanese Ethnic in Simalungun
Authors: Siagian, Pahlawati Fitri
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Lubis, M Rajab
N.S, Nurmaizar
Keywords: mottvasi belajar;orang tua;anak;etnik batak;etnik jawa;motivation to learn;parent;child;batak ethnic;jawa ethnic
Issue Date: 7-Apr-2004
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;998600023
Abstract: Berdasarkan hasil yang telah diperoleh dalam penelitian ini, maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada motivasi belajar yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak antara etnik Batak dan Jawa, dimana dalam hal ini terlihat dari besarnya koefisien perbedaan t-tes (x = 0,89 l; p > 0,050). Melalui hasil analisis ini maka hipotesis yang diajukan ditolak. 2. Hasil perhitungan dan perbandingan mean hipotetik dan mean empirik dimana mean hipotctik sebcsar 102,5 lcbih kecil dari pada mean cmpirik sebesar 134,833 dari keseluruhan subjek menunjukan bahwa orang tua etnik Batak dan etnik Jawa di Simalungun sama-sama memberikan motivasi belajar yang tinggi pada anak. 3. Perbandingan nilai rata-rata motivasi belajar yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak antara etnik Batak dan Jawa, yaitu 135, 857 berbanding 133, 810 hanya sebesar 2,047 dapat dijelaskan bahwa orang tua yang beretnik Batak dan Jawa kedua-duanya memberikan motivasi belajar yang tinggi kepada anak. Based on the results obtained in this research, it is possible concluded as follows: 1. The results of this study state that there is no significant difference on the learning motivation given by parents to children among the Batak ethnic group and Java, where in this case it can be seen from the size of the t-test difference coefficient (x = 0.89 l; p > 0.050). Through the results of this analysis, a hypothesis is proposed rejected. 2. Calculation results and comparison of the hypothetical mean and empirical mean where The hypothetical mean of 102.5 is smaller than the empirical mean of 134.833 of all the subjects showed that the parents were Batak ethnic and Javanese ethnic in Simalungun both provide high learning motivation for children. 3. Comparison of the average value of learning motivation given by parents to children between Batak and Javanese ethnicities, namely 135, 857 compared to 133, 810 only of 2.047, it can be explained that the parents are of Batak and Javanese ethnicity both provide high learning motivation for children.
Description: 63 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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