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Title: Analisis Kebutuhan Lahan Parkir di RSUD Mandailing Natal
Other Titles: Analysis of Parking Space Needs at Mandailing Natal Regional Hospital
Authors: Rahul, Mhd
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Rangkuti, Nuril Mahda
Keywords: kebutuhan lahan;kapasitas;parkir;space requirements;capacity;parking
Issue Date: 7-Aug-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188110040
Abstract: sarana transportasi yang paling umum digunakan adalah mobil dan motor yang setiap hari jumlahnya terus meningkat sehingga telah membawa dampak terhadap masalah pengaturan parkir yang sering sekali ditemui, Dari hasil survei dalam tiga hari didapat Akumulasi kendaraan roda dua terjadi puncak pada hari Senin pada jam, Dari hasil survei dalam tiga hari didapat Akumulasi kendaraan roda empat terjadi puncak pada hari senin, Berdasarkan luas petak parkir, kapasitas luas parkir untuk kendaraan roda dua 95,97 m² dari luas total 105 m², dapat diartikan dari kebutuhan luas parkir bahwa luas parkir untuk kendaraan roda dua dapat menampung kendaraan yang parkir. Sedangkan kebutuhan kapasitas parkir kendaraan roda empat 624 m 375 m²dari luas total 375 m² dari kebutuhan luas parkir kendaraan roda empat tidak dapat menampung kendaraan yang parkir, dari data akumulasi kendaraan parkir Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Panyabungan memerlukan areal parkir kendaraan roda empat yang lebih luas agar dapat menampung parkir pengunjung maupun parkir untuk dokter, pegawai, dan perawat rumah sakit tersebut. Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Panyabungan membutuhkan luas parkir sebesar 249 m². The most commonly used means of transportation are cars and motorbikes, the number of which continues to increase every day, which has had an impact on parking management problems which are often encountered. From the results of a three-day survey, it was found that the accumulation of two-wheeled vehicles peaked on Monday at In a three-day survey, it was found that the accumulation of four-wheeled vehicles peaked on Monday. Based on the area of the parking lot, the parking capacity for two-wheeled vehicles was 95.97 m² out of a total area of 105 m². It can be interpreted from the parking area requirements that the parking area for two-wheeled vehicles can accommodate parked vehicles. Meanwhile, the required parking capacity for four-wheeled vehicles is 624 m 375 m² of the total area of 375 m². The required parking area for four-wheeled vehicles cannot accommodate parked vehicles. accommodates visitor parking as well as parking for doctors, employees and nurses of the hospital. Panyabungan Regional General Hospital requires a parking area of 249 m².
Description: 70 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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