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dc.contributor.advisorMubarak, Ridho-
dc.contributor.advisorMunthe, Riswan-
dc.contributor.authorSaragih, Rina Tiwa Riska-
dc.description80 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractKasus Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga masih tergolong dalam masalah yang dianggap tabu atau aib dan memalukan bagi korban yang mengalaminya. Pada tahun 2021 di Kabupaten Dairi, terdapat satu kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yang berhasil diselesaikan berdasarkan restorative justice pada tingkat kejaksaan yang sebelumnya pada tingkat kepolisian tidak ditemukan alternative perdamaian antara korban dan tersangka sehingga berkas perkara dilimpahkan kepada Kejaksaan Negeri Kabupaten Dairi. Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah bagaimana aturan hukum dalam penyelesaian perkara melalui restorative justice terhadap tindak pidana kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Kejaksaan Negeri Dairi, bagaimana mekanisme penyelesaian perkara melalui restorative justice terhadap tindak pidana kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Kejaksaan Negeri Dairi dan bagaimana faktor yang menjadi kendala tidak terimplementasinya penyelesaian perkara melalui restorative justice terhadap tindak pidana kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Kejaksaan Negeri Dairi. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif, penelitian ini bersifat penelitian kualitatif yang disajikan secara naratif, teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari penelitian kepustakaan dan wawancara. penelitian ini merupakan metode analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yaitu penyelesaian perkara melalui restorative justice terhadap tindak pidana kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Kejaksaan Negeri Dairi Peraturan Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 15 Tahun 2020 tentang Penghentian Penuntutan Berdasarkan Keadilan Restoratif, Mekanisme penyelesaian perkara melalui restorative justice terhadap tindak pidana Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga di Kejaksaan Negeri Dairi, yaitu jaksa akan memfasilitasi proses perdamaian berdasarkan keadilan restoratif dan memanggil para pihak yaitu korban dan tersangka, baik keluarga korban dan keluarga tersangka yang apabila para pihak mau berdamai maka jaksa akan membuat laporan perdamaian, faktor yang menjadi kendala tidak terimplementasinya restorative justice ialah kendala pada faktor internal dan eksternal yang antara lain, mengenai substansi hukum, budaya hukum, korban tidak mau berdamai, hambatan terkait biaya dan waktu penyelesaian secara restorative justice yang singkat hanya 14 hari. Cases of Domestic Violence are still classified as issues that are considered taboo or a disgrace and shame for the victims who experience them. In 2021, in Dairi Regency, there was one case of domestic violence that was successfully resolved based on restorative justice at the prosecutor's level, and previously, at the police level, no alternative peace was found between the victim and the suspect, so the case file was handed over to the District Attorney of Dairi Regency. The problems discussed were what legal rules were in resolving cases through restorative justice for criminal acts of domestic violence at the District Attorney of Dairi, what mechanisms for resolving cases through restorative justice for criminal acts of domestic violence at the District Attorney of Dairi and what factors become obstacles in the implementation of case resolution through restorative justice for criminal acts of domestic violence at the District Attorney of Dairi. The method used in this research was normative legal research, this research was qualitative with narrative presentation, and the data collection techniques consisted of library research and interviews. This research was a qualitative data analysis method. The results of the research were the cases resolution through restorative justice for criminal acts of domestic violence at the District Attorney of Dairi in Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Attorney Office Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice, Mechanism for resolving cases through restorative justice for criminal acts of domestic violence at the District Attorney of Dairi, namely the prosecutor would facilitate a peace process based on restorative justice and summon the parties, the victim and the suspect, both the victim's family and the suspect's family. If the parties wanted to make peace, the prosecutor would issue a peace report. Factors that hindered the implementation of restorative justice were internal and external factors obstacles, including, among others, legal substance, legal culture, victims not wanting to make peace, obstacles related to costs, and the short time for resolution of restorative justice, only 14 days.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectrumah tanggaen_US
dc.titleKajian Hukum Penyelesaian Perkara Melalui Restorative Justice terhadap Tindak Pidana Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus di Kejaksaan Negeri Dairi)en_US
dc.title.alternativeA Legal Study Of Case Resolution Through Restorative Justice Against Criminal Acts Of Domestic Violence (Case Study In District Attorney Of Dairi)en_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Criminal Law

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