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Title: Respon Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Jagung Hibrida (Zea Mays) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Fitonik Cair
Other Titles: Response of Several Varieties of Hybrid Corn Plants (Zea Mays) to Application of Liquid Phytonic Fertilizer
Authors: Hasibuan, Ahmad Samarin
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Tantawi, Ahmad Rafiqi
Oesman, Roswita
Keywords: varietas tanaman jagung hibrida (zea mays);pupuk fitonik cair;hybrid corn plant varieties (zea mays);liquid phytonic fertilizer
Issue Date: 14-Oct-2009
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;058200037
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mcngetahui respon beberapa varietas tanaman jagung tarhadap pupuk Fitonik cair dan untulc mengetahui dosis Fitonik cair yang tepat untuk pertumbuhan dan produksi beberapa varietas tanaman jagung. Penelitian ini di laksanakan di Desa Aek Matio Kelurahan Sirandomng Kecamatan Rantau Utara Kabupaten Labuhan Batu. Lokasi penelitian terletak pada ketinggian lebih kurru1g 40 m dari pennukaan laut dengan jenis tanah Alluvial, sejak bulan Maret sampai Mei 2009. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian \ni adalah Rancangan AcakKelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan dua faktor p~rlaku:m, yakni : 1) Faktor dosis pupuk Fitonik cair dcngan notasi (F) yang terdiri dari ernpat taraf perlakuan yaitu : Fo = tanpa pemhcrian pupuk; F1 = 1500 ml/ha (0,34 ml/plot), F2 = 3000 ml/ha (0,68 ml/plot); f3 = 4500 ml/ha (1,02 ml/plot) dan 2) Faktor varietas dengan notasi (V) terdiri dari tiga taraf perlakuan, yakni : V1 = Bisi 15, V2 = NK-.88, V3 = Pioner-4. Masi11g-masing pcrlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali. Parameter yang diamati parla penelitian ini adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, panjang tongkol, berat tongkol dengan klobot per sampel clan berat 1000 biji.Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat diambil beberapa kesimpulan bahwa 1) Pemberian pupuk Fitonik cair berpengaruh tidak ny£ita terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, panjang tongkol clan b~rnt tongkol dengan klobot per sampel, tet.api berpcngaruh sangat nyata terhadap berat 1000 biji. Dalam hal ini diperoleh bahwa pemberian pupuk Fitonik Cair dengan dosis 1,02 ml/plot merupakan perlakuan dengan bcrat 1000 biji tertinggi (325,56 g); 2) Berbagai varjetas jagung menunjukkan pengaruh yang sangat nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, panjang tongkol dan berat tongkol dengan klobot per sampel; dan 3) Interaksi kedua faktor perlakuan berpcngaruh tidak nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman jagung. This research aims to determine the response of several varieties corn plants exposed to liquid Fitonic fertilizer and to know the dosage of Phytonic the right liquid for the growth and production of several plant varieties corn. This research was carried out in Aek Matio Village, Sirandomng District North Rantau District, Labuhan Batu Regency. The research location is located at an altitude of more than 40 m above sea level with this type of soil Alluvial, from March to May 2009. The design used in this research was a Factorial Randomized Group Design (RAK) with two behavioral factors, namely: 1) Liquid Phytonic fertilizer dosage factor with the notation (F) consisting of four Treatment levels are: Fo = without fertilizer application; F1 = 1500 ml/ha (0.34 ml/plot), F2 = 3000 ml/ha (0.68 ml/plot); f3 = 4500 ml/ha (1.02 ml/plot) and 2) Variety factor with notation (V) consists of three treatment levels, namely: V1 = Bisi 15, V2 = NK-.88, V3 = Pioneer-4. Still11g each treatment was repeated 3 (three) times. The parameters observed in this research were plant height and number leaves, leaf area, ear length, ear weight with husk per clan sample weight of 1000 seeds. From the results of this research several conclusions can be drawn: 1) Providing liquid Phytonic fertilizer has no significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, cob length and cob b~rnt with husk per sample, but has a very significant effect on the weight of 1000 seeds. In this case It was obtained that Liquid Phytonic fertilizer was given at a dose of 1.02 ml/plot was the treatment with the highest brat of 1000 seeds (325.56 g); 2) Various Corn varjetas showed a very significant influence on height plants, number of leaves, leaf area, ear length and ear weight with clots per sample; and 3) The interaction of the two treatment factors has no effect significant impact on the growth and production of corn plants.
Description: 30 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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