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Title: Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Kesiapan Pensiun pada TNI AD Di Belakang DAM/I/BB
Other Titles: The Relationship Between Social Support and Retirement Readiness in the Indonesian Army Behind DAM/I/BB
Authors: Siagian, Syuri Salsabila
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Sairah
Keywords: Dukungan Sosial;Kesiapan Pensiun;TNI BEKANGDAM I/BB;Social Support
Issue Date: May-2024
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;208600126
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Kesiapan Pensiun pada TNI BEKANGDAM I/BB. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang diambil untuk penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan dari populasi yang berjumlah 62 orang. Skala Dukungan sosial disusun berdasarkan aspek menurut Sarafino & Smith (2011): Dukungan Emosional, Dukungan Penghargaan, Dukungan Instrumental, Dukungan Informatif, dan Dukungan Jaringan Sosial. Skala kesiapan pensiun disusun berdasarkan aspek-aspek kesiapan pensiun Sutarto & Cokro (2008) kesiapan materi finansial, kesiapan fisik, kesiapan mental dan emosi, kesiapan seluruh keluarga. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis korelasi product moment, dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara Dukungan sosial dengan kesiapan pensiun. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien korelasi rxy = 0,843, dengan Signifikan p<0.010. Koefisien determinan (r2) = 0,710. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Dukungan sosial berdistribusi sebesar 71% terhadap Kesiapan Pensiun. Dukungan sosial tergolong rendah dengan nilai mean hipotetik sebesar 75 dan mean empiriknya sebesar 60,97. Selanjutnya kesiapan pensiun dapat disimpulkan memperoleh hasil rendah dengan nilai hipotetik sebesar 72,5 dan nilai empiriknya sebear 63,00. This research aims to determine the relationship between social support and Retirement Readiness in TNI BEKANGDAM I/BB. The type of research used in This research is a quantitative approach. Samples taken for this research is the entire population of 62 people. The Social Support Scale was constructed based on aspects according to Sarafino & Smith (2011): Emotional Support, Support Awards, Instrumental Support, Informative Support, and Network Support Social. The retirement readiness scale was prepared based on Sutarto's retirement readiness aspects & Cokro (2008) financial material readiness, physical readiness, mental and emotional readiness, readiness of the whole family. Based on the results of product correlation analysis calculations moment, it can be seen that there is a positive relationship between social support and retirement readiness. This result is proven by the correlation coefficient rxy = 0.843, with Significant p<0.010. Determinant coefficient (r2) = 0.710. This shows that Support social distribution is 71% of Retirement Readiness. Social support is included low with a hypothetical mean value of 75 and an empirical mean of 60.97. Furthermore, retirement readiness can be concluded to obtain low results with value The hypothetical value is 72.5 and the empirical value is 63.00.
Description: 105 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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