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Title: Perbandingan Produksi dan Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah antara Anggota KUD dengan Bukan Anggota KUD
Other Titles: Comparison of Production and Income of Rice Farmers between KUD Members and Non-KUD Members
Authors: Sihombing, Evawani Sri Hastuti
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Saleh, Khairul
Lubis, Mitra Musika
Keywords: perbandingan produksi;pendapatan petani padi sawah;anggota kud dengan bukan anggota kud;production comparison;income of rice farmers;kud members and non-kud members
Issue Date: 12-Oct-2009
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;008200010
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meimetahui .perbandingan ,produksi .petani .padi sawah antara anggota KUD dengan non anggota KUD. Untuk mengetahui perbandingan biaya produksi petani padi sawah antara anggota KUD dengan non anggota KUD. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 90 Kepala Keluarga {KK) dan ambil sampe1 sebanyak 22 Kepala Keluarga (KK) anggota KUD dan 14 Kepala Keluarga (KK) non anggota KUO data untuk menguji hipotesis telah diajukan digunakan uji beda rata-rata (ujit) dei.gan tingkat kepercayaan90%. Untuk mencapai tujuan, diajukan beberapa hipotesis sebagai berikut: 1. Produksi persatuan luas lahan petani padi sawah anggota KUD lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan petani nnn anggota KUD 2. Biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan petani padi sawah anggota KUD le'Jih kecil bila dibandingkan dengan petani non anggota KUD 3. Pendapatan petani padi sawah anggota KUD lebih besar dibandingkan dengan petani non anggota KUD. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa produksi petani anggota KUD 1ebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan non anggota KUD. Biaya produksi yang <likeluarkan petani angg-0ta KUO lebih kecil bila d.ibandingkan dengan non angg-0ta KlJD -Oan pendapatan petani anggota KUD lebih besar biia dibandingkan dengan non anggota KUD. The aim of this research is to find out the comparison of rice farmers' production rice fields between KUD members and non-KUD members. To find out the comparison production costs for lowland rice farmers between KUD members and non-KUD members. The total population is 90 heads of families {KK) and take up to 1 as many 22 Heads of Families (KK) are KUD members and 14 Heads of Families (KK) are non-members KUO data to test the hypothesis that has been proposed uses the average difference test (test) dei.gan confidence level90%. To achieve the goal, several hypotheses are proposed as follows: 1. Production per unit area of ​​land of rice farmers who are KUD members is greater if compared to farmers who are KUD members 2. Production costs incurred by rice farmers who are KUD members are smaller if compared to non-KUD member farmers 3. The income of rice farmers who are KUD members is greater than that of KUD members non-KUD member farmers. The results show that the production of KUD member farmers is greater if compared to non-KUD members. Production costs that farmers incur KUO members' income is smaller when compared with non-KlJD-Oan members' income Farmers who are members of KUD have greater costs than non-members of KUD.
Description: 37 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agribusiness

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