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dc.contributor.advisorSihotang, Saipul-
dc.contributor.authorButar-Butar, Alfons Dwi Putra-
dc.description28 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractTanaman padi (Oryza sativa) merupakan tanaman yang memiliki peran penting bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia. Seperti di Indonesia padi menjadi makanan pokok bagi sebagian masyarakatnya. Budidaya padi sangat penting untuk kita jaga demi kelangsungan hidup umat manusia yang sejahtera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis bakteri endofit dan potensinya sebagai agen biokontrol penyakit hawar padi (Xanthomonas oryzae). Metode Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen menggunakan rancangan percobaan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Non faktorial yang terdiri dari 7 perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan. Lokasi pengambilan tanaman padi di Desa Tanjung Gusta Kabupaten Deli Serdang dan penelitian isolasi bakteri endofit di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Pertanian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan isolat yang didapatkan sebanyak 6 isolat dengan kode BETP 01 Pseudomonas bentuk circular, margin entire, elevasi convex,warna putih kekuningan BETP 02 Bacillus bentuk rhizoid, margin rhizoid, elevasi convex, warna putih BETP 03 Pseudomonas bentuk irregular, margin undulate, elevasi convex, warna ungu BETP 04 Bacillus bentuk irregular, margin lobate, elevasi convex, warna putih kekuingan BETP 05 Bacillus bentuk irregular, margin curled, elevasi convex, warna putih BETP 06 Bacillus bentuk circuler margin entire, elevasi convex, warna kuning. 6 isolat memiliki aktivitas anti mikroba yang bervariasi. Diameter zona hambat yang besar di dapat sebanyak 2 isolat bakeri endofit yang berpotensi dalam menghambat mikroba patogen uji yaitu isolat dengan kode BETP 03 dengan genus Pseudomonas dan BETP 05 Bacillus, dengan rata-rata 16,3 mm dan 16,5 mm adapun karakterisasinya BETP 03 basil, gram negatif, sitrat negatif, motilitas positif, hidrolisis gelatin positif, hidrolisis pati positif dan uji katalase positif. Sedangkan BETP 05 karakterisasinya basil, gram positif, sitrat positif, motilitas positif, hidrolisis gelatin negatif, hidrolisis pati positif dan uji katalase positif. The rice plant (Oryza sativa) is a plant that has an important role for human survival. As in Indonesia, rice is a staple food for some people. Rice cultivation is very important for us to maintain for the sake of the prosperous survival of humanity. This research aims to determine the types of endophytic bacteria and their potential as biocontrol agents for rice blight (Xanthomonas oryzae). Research Method was carried out using an experimental method using an experimental design, namely a Non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 7 treatments with 3 replications. Location of rice plant collection in Tanjung Gusta Village, Deli Serdang Regency and research on the isolation of endophytic bacteria at the Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture. The results of the research showed that 6 isolates were obtained with the code BETP 01 Pseudomonas circular shape, entire margin, convex elevation, yellowish white color BETP 02 Bacillus rhizoid shape, rhizoid margin, convex elevation, white color BETP 03 Pseudomonas irregular shape, undulate margin, elevation convex, purple color BETP 04 Bacillus irregular shape, lobate margin, convex elevation, yellowish white color BETP 05 Bacillus irregular shape, curled margin, convex elevation, white color BETP 06 Bacillus circular shape margin entire, convex elevation, yellow color. The 6 isolates had varying anti-microbial activities. Large inhibitory zone diameters were found in 2 isolates of endophytic bacteria which had the potential to inhibit the test pathogenic microbes, namely isolates with code BETP 03 with the genus Pseudomonas and BETP 05 Bacillus, with an average of 16.3 mm and 16.5 mm as for the characterization BETP 03 bacilli, gram negative, citrate negative, motility positive, gelatin hydrolysis positive, starch hydrolysis positive and catalase test positive. Meanwhile, the characteristics of BETP 05 are bacilli, gram positive, citrate positive, motility positive, gelatin hydrolysis negative, starch hydrolysis positive and catalase test positive.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectbakteri endofiten_US
dc.subjectXanthomonas oryzaeen_US
dc.subjectzona hambaten_US
dc.subjectEndophytic bacteriaen_US
dc.subjectobstacles zoneen_US
dc.titleIsolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Endofit Asal Tanaman Padi (Oryza Sativa) Sebagai Agen Biokontrol Xanthomonas Oryzae Penyebab Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakterien_US
dc.title.alternativeIsolation and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Rice Plants (Oryza Sativa) as a Biocontrol Agent for Xanthomonas Oryzae, the Cause of Bacterial Leaf Blighten_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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