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Title: Pengaruh Lama Perendaman dan Pengupasan Mesokarp Terhadap Persentase Keberhasilan Proses Pembuatan Benih Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
Other Titles: The Effect of Soaking Time and Mesocarp Peeling on the Percentage of Success in the Process of Making Palm Oil Seeds (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
Authors: Simorangkir, Dedy G.
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Wardani, Dwika Karima
Keywords: lama perendaman;kecepatan pengupasan;kelapa sawit;soaking time;stripping speed;palm oil
Issue Date: May-2024
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;198210096
Abstract: Perendaman buah kelapa sawit merupakan proses yang mempercepat kematangan buah menggunakan air. Sebelumnya, proses ini dibantu oleh etilen (C2H4), yang mampu meningkatkan aktivitas enzim tertentu dalam buah. Sebelum mencapai puncak kematangannya, etilen merangsang enzim oksidatif dan hidrolitik serta menonaktifkan penghambat enzim. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) factorial. Perlakuan Perendaman dibagi menjadi 4 bagian untuk P1 (Perendaman 3 hari), P2 (Perendaman 5 hari), P3 (Perendaman 7 hari), dan P4 (Perendaman 9 hari). Perlakuan pengupasan mesokarp/pemisahan biji dengan daging buah menggunakan mesin pengupas yang disediakan oleh PT Socfin Indonesia SSPL Bangun Bandar. Durasi pengupasan mesokarp adalah 3 menit (T1), 5 menit (T2), 7 menit (T3), dan pengupasan 9 menit (T4). Hasil perlakuan perendaman dan pengupasan mesokarp terhadap persentase keberhasilan proses pembuatan benih kelapa sawit yang paling efektif dan efesien P2T2 99,58%. Oil palm fruit soaking is a process that accelerates fruit ripening using water. Previously, this process was helped by ethylene (C2H4), which is able to increase the activity of certain enzymes in the fruit. Before reaching the peak of its maturity, ethylene stimulates oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes and inactivates enzyme inhibitors. This study used factorial Group Randomized Design (RAK). The Soaking Treatment is divided into 4 parts for P1 (3-day soaking), P2 (5-day soaking), P3 (7-day soaking), and P4 (9-day soaking). Mesocarp stripping treatment / separation of seeds with fruit flesh using a peeling machine provided by PT Socfin Indonesia SSPL Bangun Bandar. The duration of mesocarp stripping is 3 minutes (T1), 5 minutes (T2), 7 minutes (T3), and 9 minutes stripping (T4). The results of soaking and mesocarp stripping treatment on the success percentage of the most effective and efficient P2T2 oil palm seed manufacturing process of 99.58%.
Description: 34 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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