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dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Kamaluddin-
dc.contributor.authorHasibuan, Tina Romadani-
dc.description79 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractWilayah Indonesia merupakan negara agraris dikenal mempunyai dua musim yakni musim panas dan musim hujan merupakan nilai potensial bagi wilayah Padang Garurur menjadi daerah pertanian menuju berswasembada pangan beras Metode penelitian mengacu kepada peraturan Buku PU.PR KP.06 2013 ,Tujuan penelitian untuk mengalisis dan menentukan stabilitas juga dimensi bendung D.I Padang Garugur Kabupaten Padang Lawas yaitu terhadap gaya geser tanah , guling , ambalas, dan rembesan air yang terjadi pada saat debit air normal atau maximum. Hasil analisa diperoleh dengan debit rencana = 1922,906 m3/dt, tinggi bendung = 3,36 meter kondisi saat air normal momen guling diperoleh fs faktor = 2,79 > 1,5, terhadap geser tanah diperoleh dengan fs = 1,24 > 1,2 kondisi saat air banjir terhadap momen guling diperoleh fs = 2,09 > 1,5 dinyatakan bendung aman terhadap guling, gaya geser tanah diperoleh fs = 2,231 > 1,2. Kesimpulan stabilitas bendung secara umum sangat dipengaruhi oleh sifat fisis atau fisik krateristik lapisan tanah begitu juga terhadap daya dukung tanah, maupun kontrol Geser, guling rembesan air ,disamping pengaruh gaya-gaya luar bendung yang timbul saat kondisi air debit normal , atau debit banjir. Dinyatakan Bendung D.I Padang Garugur sudah memenuhi stabilitas.. The territory of Indonesia is an agricultural country known to have two seasons, namely summer and rainy season which are potential values for the Padang Garurur area to become an agricultural area towards self-sufficiency in rice. the stability and dimensions of the Dam Padang Garugur Dam, Padang Lawas Regency against shear, overturn, subsidence, and water seepage that occurs when the water discharge is normal or maximum. meters. normal water conditions overturning moment Safety factor (SF) = Σ moment / Σ overturning moment obtained Safety factor (SF) 2.79 > 1.5, against soil shear Σ vertical force / Σ horizontal force obtained Sf = 1.24 > 1.2 conditions when the water floods against the overturning moment Safety factor (SF) = Σ moment / Σ overturning moment obtained SF 2.09 > 1.5 stated that the weir is safe against overturning, Safety factor (SF) soil shear Σ vertical force / Σ force horizontally obtained Sf = 2.231 > 1.2 Conclusion In general, the analysis of the stability of the weir is strongly influenced by the physical properties or physical characteristics of the soil layer as well as the carrying capacity of the soil, as well as Shear control, overturning of water seepage, in addition to the influence of external forces on the weir that arise when normal discharge water conditions, or flood discharge. The Padang Garugur Dam has fulfilled the stability value and has been declared stable.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectStabilitas bendungen_US
dc.subjectambalas daya dukung tanahen_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Perhitungan Stabilitas Bendung Di Padang Garugur Kabupaten Padang Lawas Utaraen_US
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of Dam Stability Calculation in Padang Garugur, North Padang Lawas Regencyen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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