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dc.contributor.advisorTarigan, Mustika-
dc.contributor.advisorMetia, Cut-
dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Widi-
dc.description89 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan data secara empirik hubungan antara kecemasan akademis dengan self regulated learning. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan negatif antara kecemasan akademis dengan self regulated learninng. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMK Negeri Bertaraf Internasional Medan kelas X yang berjumlah 120 orang dengan rentang usia 14-16 tahun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif. Peneliti menggunakan teknik total sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua buah skala sebagai alat ukur, yaitu Skala Self-regulated Learning yang disusun berdasarkan teori skala Wolter dkk. (2003 ) dan Skala Kecemasan Akademis yang disusun berdasarkan teori Ottens (1991). Nilai reliabilitas skala Self Regulated Learning 0.876 dan terdiri dari 56 aitem sedangkan nilai reliabilitas skala Kecemasan Akademis sebesar 0.826 dan terdiri dari 48 aitem. Analisa penelitian menggunakan korelasi Product Moment. Berdasarkan hasil analisa ditemukan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara kecemasan akademis dengan self-regulated learning pada siswa SMK Negeri Bertaraf Internasional Medan, dengan hasil koefisien korelasi (rxy) sebesar 0.599 dengan p=0,000 (p<0,010), Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah semakin tinggi kecemasan akademis maka semakin tinggi pula self-regulated learning. Dengan demikian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini ditolak. This research aims for verify and getting the emperical datareletionship of academic anxiety with self regulated learning. Hypothesis in this research is there is a negative reletionship between academic anxiety with self regulated learning. The subject of research is students at SMK Negeri Bertaraf Internasional Medan class X some 120 people with age range 14-16 years old. The research method used is quantitative research methods. The sampling method was used is total sampling. This study used two scales as measurement, self regulated learning scale which is based on the theory of Wolter and friends (2003) and ancademic anxiety scale which is based on the theory of Ottens ( 1991 ). The reliability of self regulated learning scale was 0.876 and consisted of 56 items while the reliability of academic anxiety scale was 0.826 and consisted of 48 items. Analysis of data was product moment correlation. Based on the analysis found that there was a relationship between academic anxiety with self regulated learning at students SMK Negeri Bertaraf Internasional Medan, with coefficient corelation (rxy) 0.599 with p=0.000 (p<0.010), implication of this research is the higher academic anxiety the higher self regulated learning. thus the hypothesis in this research was rejected.en_US
dc.subjectkecemasan akademisen_US
dc.subjectself-regulated learningen_US
dc.subjectacademic anxietyen_US
dc.subjectself regulated learningen_US
dc.titleHubungan antara Kecemasan Akademis dengan Self Regulated Learning pada Sekolah SMK Negeri Bertaraf Internasional Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Relationship between Academic Anxiety and Self-Regulated Learning at Medan International Standard State Vocational Schoolsen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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