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dc.contributor.advisorMunir, Abdul-
dc.contributor.advisorAziz, Azhar-
dc.contributor.authorSihaloho, Lisa Helmina-
dc.description92 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ; a).Hubungan ikl:im sekolah dan kematangan emosi dengan Self Regulated Learning pada siswa. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah ; Ada hubtmgan iklim sekolah dan kematangan emosi dengan Self Regulated Learning pada siswa. Populasi berjumlah 779 orang siswa, sampel yang diambil be1jumlah 89 orang siswa. Penentuan jumlah sampel dapat dilakukan dengan cara perhittmgan statistik yaitu dengan menggunakan Rumus Slovin. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan skala, yaitu skala Self Regulated Learning, skala iklim Sekolah dan skala Kematangan Emosional, sebelum digunakan ketiga skala diujicobakan kepada 30 orang siswa. Analisis data menggtmakan tehnik analisis Regresi Berganda. Basil penelitian memmjukkan a). Ada hubtmgan positif yang sangat signifikan antara iklim sekolah dan kematangan emosional dengan self regulated learning. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan koefisien Freg = 17,778; p < 0,001. Diketahui Ftabel = 3,10. Nilai Fhit > FtabeI memiliki makna bahwa iklim sekolah dan kematangan emosional memiliki hubungan yang linier dengan self regulated learning. Berdasarkan basil penelitian ini, maka hipotesis yang diajukan dinyatakan diterima. b ). Diketalmi iklim sekolah dan kematangan emosional memiliki sumbangan efektif secara bersama-sama terhadap se(f regulated learning sebesar 29,3%. Dari hasil ini diketahui · bahwa masih terdapat 70,7% sumbangan dari faktor lain terhadap se(f regulated learning. c ). Ada hubtmgan positif yang sangat signifikan antara iklim sekolah dengan sdf regulated learning pada siswa dengan koefisien korelasi rx1y = 0,481 ; p < 0,001, dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 23 ,2%. d). Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara kematangan emosional dengan self regulated learning, dengan koefisien korelasi rx2y = 0,223; p = 0,035; dan smnbangan efektif sebesar 5,0 %. e). Basil lain diperoleh daii penelitian ini, yakni diketahui bahwa subjek penelitian ini para siswa SMA Negeri 1 Stabat, memiliki se!f regulated learning yang sangat tinggi, iklim sekolah yai1g sedang, dan kematangan emosional yang dimiliki sangat baik. This study aims to determine ; a) .Hubungan school climate and emotional maturity with Self Regulated Leaming in students. The hypothesis is; There is a school climate relationship and emotional maturity with Self Regulated Learning in students. A population of 779 students, the samples were taken totaling 89 students. Determination of the number of samples can be done by statistical calculation by using formula Slavin. Data obtained by distributing scale, the scale of Self-Regulated Learning, school climate scale and the scale of Emotional Maturity, before use third-scale tested on 30 students. Analysis of data using multiple regression analysis techniques. The results showed a). There is a significant positive relationship between school climate and emotional maturity with self-regulated learning. This is evidenced by the coefficient Freg = 17.778; p <0.001. Unknown Ftabel = 3.10. Fhit value> F table has a meaning that the school climate and emotional maturity have a linear relationship with the self-regulated learning. Based on these results, the hypothesis are accepted. b ). Unknown school climate and emotional maturity has effective contribution together towards self-regulated learning 29,3%. From these results it is known that there is still a 70.7% contribution from other factors toward self-regulated learning. c). There is a very significant positive relationship between the school climate with self-regulated learning in students with rxly correlation coefficient = 0.481 ; p <0.001 , and the effective contribution of23.2%. d). There was a significant positive relationship between emotional maturity with self-regulated learning, with rx:2y correlation coefficient = 0.223; p = 0.035; and the effective contribution of 5.0%. e). Other results obtained from this study, that it is known that the subject of this study, students SMA Negeri 1 Stabat, has selfregulated learning is very high, school climate being, and emotional maturity are extremely good.en_US
dc.subjectself regulated learningen_US
dc.subjectiklim sekolahen_US
dc.subjectkematangan emosionalen_US
dc.subjectschool climateen_US
dc.subjectemotional maturityen_US
dc.titleHubungan Iklim Sekolah dan Kematangan Emosional dengan Self Regulated Learning pada Siswa SMA Negeri I Stabaten_US
dc.title.alternativeClimate Relationship With Schools And Emotional Maturity Self-Regulated Learning In High School Students N 1 Stabaten_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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