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dc.contributor.advisorMifayetty, Sri-
dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Nurmaida Irawani-
dc.contributor.authorHarahap, Sri Afrina-
dc.description81 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelilian eksperimcn ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh konseling rational emotif perilaku dalam mcningkatkan tanggung jawab dan control diri siswa. Desain yang digunakan adalah kontrol group pretest-posllesl desip.n. Teknik pcngainbilan sampcl dalam pcnclitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Sampcl dan Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa yang mcmiliki skor akumulasi tanggung jawab dan kontrol diri paling rendah sebanyak 30 siswa dari 141 siswa sebagai populasi. Su~jck dibagi kcdalam dua kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen, dimana kclompok ekspcrimen mcndapatkan layanan konseling kelompok teknik rational emot{l perilaku dalam cmpat kali pertcmuan. Metode ~; pengumpulan data diawal dan diakhir ekspcrimen mengunakan skala tanggung · jawab (40 item, dengan rcliabilitas 0,860, validitas item terentang antara 0,291- 0,571) dan skala kontrol diri (29 item, dengan reliabilitas 0,863, validitas item terentang antara 0,231-0,570). Sedangkan analisis data menggunakan t-test This experimental study aims to see the effect of rational emotive behavioral counseling in increasing students' responsibility and self-control. The design used is a control group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique in this study is purposive sampling. The sample and subjects in this study were students who had the lowest cumulative scores of responsibility and self-control, as many as 30 students out of 141 students as the population. Subjects were divided into two control and experimental groups, where the experimental group received rational emotive behavioral counseling services in four meetings. Method ~; Data collection at the beginning and end of the experiment using the responsibility scale (40 items, with reliability 0.860, item validity ranging between 0.291-0.571) and self-control scale (29 items, with reliability 0.863, item validity ranging between 0.231-0.570). While data analysis using t-testen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjecttanggung jawaben_US
dc.subjectkontrol dirien_US
dc.subjectkonseling kelompok teknik rationalen_US
dc.subjectrational technique group counselingen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Konseling Kelompok Teknik Rational Emotif terhadap Tanggung Jawab Kontrol Diri Siswa SMP Negeri 5 Percut Sei Tuanen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Influence of Rational Emotive Group Counseling Technique on Students' Self-Control Responsibility at SMP Negeri 5 Percut Sei Tuanen_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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