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dc.contributor.advisorSurbakti, Amanah-
dc.description138 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractMasalah dalam penelitian ini adalah perkembangan motorik halus dan kreativitas anak usia 5-6 tahun, yang kurang berkembang di Raudhatul Athfal. Penelitian ini menghasilkan buku dengan model model perangkat dalam bermain plastidin untuk meningkatkan motorik halus clan kreativitas anak usia 5-6 tahun di RA. Metode yang digtmakan adalah penelitian pengembangan (research and development) yang dilaksanab.n dalam .etnpat tahap yang dinamakan 4D (define, design, develop, disseminate). Dalam penelitian in, buku yang disusun telah divalidasi oleh ahli dan kemudian dilakukan uji coba - penggunaanya di RA Al Hllda Popuhsi penelitian adalah siswa kelompok RA yang terdiri dari . Besar sampel 10 orang anak yang diambil secara random yang :-:: dibagi dalam dua kelompo~, yaitu kelompok yang diberi perlakuan konvensional dan kelompok yang diberi perlakuan model bermain piastisin. Data dikumpulkan melalui lembar observasi untuk mengukur perkembangan motorik halus clan kreativitas anak. Pretes dan posttes digunakan untuk mengukur perubahan motoric halus dan kreativitas anak. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa pengembangan buku panduan guru bermain plastisin dalam model pengembangan perangkat nermain plastisin dapat membantu perkembangan motorik halus anak dengan peningkatan dari sebelum clan sesudah perlakuan yakni untuk perkembangan karakter peduli lingkungan sebesar 45,7% meningkat setelah perlakuan menjadi 83,9% . Sedangkan untuk pengembangan buku panduan guru bermain plasiisin dalam model pengembangan perangkat bermain plastisin dapat membantu perkembangan kreativitas anak yang ditunjukkan peningkatan dari sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan yakni untuk perkembangan kreativitas sebesar 27,3 % meningkat setelah perlakuan menjadi 75 %. Dengan adanya perbedaan antara perlakuan pada saat pretes dan posttes. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model perangkat pengembangan bermain plastisin dapat meningkatkan motorik halus dan kreativitas anak. Dengan demikian disarankan agar Model Bermain Plastisin sebagai alternative dalam menggembangkan perkembangan motoric halus dan kreativitas anak di Raudhatul Athfal. The problem in this research is the development of motor skills and creativity of children aged 5-6 years, which are less developed in Raudhatul Athfal. This research produced a book with a model of the device model in playing plastidine to improve fine motor skills and creativity of children aged 5-6 years in RA. The method used is research and development which is carried out in four stages called 4D (define, design, develop, disseminate). In this study, the books compiled were validated by experts and then tested their use in RA Al H!tda. The research population was students of the RA group consisting of The sample size was 10 children who were taken randomly and divided into two groups, namely the group that was given conventional treatment and the group that was given the plasticine playing model. Data were collected through observation sheets to measure fine motor development ~and children's creativity. Pretest and posttest were used to measure fine motor changes and children's creativity. From the results of this study it can be seen that the development of a teacher's guide book playing plasticine in the development model of playing plasticine playing devices can help the development of children's fine motor skills with an increase from before and after treatmer.t, namely for the development of character care for the environment by 45. 7%, increasing after treatment to 83.9. %. Whereas for the development of a teacher's guide book playing plasticine in the plasticine play tool development model can help the development of children's creativity whir:h is shown an increase from before and after treatment, namely for the development of creativity by 27.3%, increasing after treatment to 75%. With the difference between the treatments at the pretest and posttest. This study concluded that the use of a plasticine play development tool model can improve children's fine motor skills and creativity. Thus it is suggested that the model of developing tool'i in playing plasticine as an alternative in developing fine motoric development and creativity of children in Raudhatul Athfal.en_US
dc.subjectmotorik halusen_US
dc.subjectperangkat bermain plastisinen_US
dc.subjectfine motoricen_US
dc.subjectplasticine play equipmenten_US
dc.titleModel Bermain Plastisin untuk Mengembangkan Motorik Halus dan Kreativitas Anak Kelompok B di Ra Al Huda Marelanen_US
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Plasticine Play Equipment for Fine Motoric and Creativity of Group B Children in RA AL Huda Marelanen_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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