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dc.contributor.authorRamadhan, Muammar Habib-
dc.description45 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPlastik merupakan salah satu sampah yang sulit diurai oleh bakteri, plastik sulit terurai karena merupakan senyawa xenobiotic yang tidak tersedia secara alami di alam sehingga bakteri sulit mengurainya. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan plastik daur ulang, sehingga plastik menjadi bahan yang layak dipakai kembali dan penelitian ini juga menguji kerja mesin hot press yang digunakan sebagai mesin yang mendaur ulang plastik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental, Komposisi campuran material memiliki kadar material yang berbeda-beda, yang hasilnya tetap memiliki total berat yang sama. Pada campuran material pertama, kadar polipropilena 100% dan karbon aktif 0% menghasilkan warna terang. Selanjutnya kadar polipropilena 90% dan karbon aktif 10% menghasilkan warna dominan hitam namun warna putih masih sedikit terlihat. komposisi material ketiga, kadar polipropilena 80% dan karbon aktif 20% menghasilkan warna dominan hitam warna putih hampir tidak terlihat. komposisi campuran keempat, kadar polipropilena 70% dan karbon aktif 30% menghasilkan warna hitam pekat. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan perhitungan Uji Tekanan Mesin Hot press yaitu perhitungan tekanan terhadap cetakan dan tekanan yang dihasilkan dari Mesin Hot press tersebut terhadap cetakan adalah (3983739, 84 Pa). Rata-rata Maximun point stress uji bending (polipropilen 100% = 25.343) dan Rata-rata Maximum point stress uji bending (polipropilen 90% dan karbon aktif 10% = 25.301) Plastic is one of the garbage that is difficult to decompose by bacteria, plastic is difficult to decompose because it is a xenobiotic compound that is not available naturally in nature so that bacteria are difficult to decompose. This research utilizes recycled plastic, so that plastic becomes a material that is suitable for reuse and this study also tested the work of hot press machines used as machines that recycle plastic. The research method used is an experimental method, The composition of the material mixture has different material levels, the results of which still have the same total weight. In the first material mixture, 100% polypropylene content and 0% activated carbon produce a light color. Furthermore, the content of 90% polypropylene and 10% activated carbon produces a dominant black color but the white color is still slightly visible. The composition of the third material, 80% polypropylene content and 20% activated carbon produce a predominantly black color of almost invisible white color. The composition of the fourth mixture, 70% polypropylene content and 30% activated carbon produces a deep black color. This research has carried out the calculation of the Hot press Machine Pressure Test, namely the calculation of pressure against the mold and the pressure generated from the Hot press Machine against the mold (3983739, 84 Pa). Average Maximun point stress bending test (100% polypropylene = 25,343) and Average Maximum point stress bending test (90% polypropylene and 10% activated carbon = 25,301)en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectmesin hotpress hidroliken_US
dc.subjectuji bendingen_US
dc.subjecthydraulic hotpress machineen_US
dc.subjectbending testen_US
dc.titleUji Kerja Mesin Hot Press Hidrolik pada Material Komposit Plastiken_US
dc.title.alternativeHydraulic Hot Press Machine Work Test on Plastic Composite Materialsen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Mechanical Engineering

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