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Title: Hubungan Dukungan Sosial dengan Stres Pengasuhan pada Ibu yang Memilki Anak Down Syndrome di Potads Sumut
Other Titles: The Relationship between Social Support and Parenting Stress in Mothers of Down Syndrome Children in Potads North Sumatra
Authors: Br Sitorus Pane, Sindy Frasiska
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Purba, Anna Wati Dewi
Keywords: stress pengasuhan;dukungan sosial;anak down syndrome;parenting stress;social support;children with down syndrome
Issue Date: 19-Aug-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;208600273
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris dan mengetahui hubungaa dukungan sosial dengan stress pengasuhan pada ibu yang memiliki anak down syndrome di POTADS Sumut. peneliti menetapkan jumlah responden 37 ibu yang memiliki anak down syndrome dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data pada skala dukungan sosial menggunakan skala likert dan skala stress pengasuhan menggunakan skala semantic Deferensial. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment. Hasil analisi dengan metode analisa Korelasi r Product moment diperoleh nilai korelasi sebesar -0, 226 dengan p = 0,918 > 0,05. Dengan artian, semakin tinggi dukungan sosia/ maka stress pengasuhan semakin rendah. Sumbangan efel'tif variabel Dukungan Sosial terhadap Stress Pengasuhan adalah 7% diketahui juga terdapat 30% faktor lainnya yang tidak dapat diteliti oleh penelitian ini yakni faktor : Stres kehidupan secara wnum, Kondisi anak, Status ekonomi, Kematangan Psikologis. Hasil lain ditemukan bahwa dari perhitungan mean hipotetik dan empirik bahwa ibu yang memiliki anak down syndrome di POT ADS ( Persatuan Orang Tua Anak Down Syndrome) Swnut memiliki stress pengasuhan yang tergolong sooang dengan nilai empirik 98,89 lebih kecil dari nilai hipotetik yaitu 116 serta dukungan sosial yang dirniliki ibu anak down syndrome juga sedang dengan nilai empirik 64,78 lebih kecil dari nilai hipotetik yaitu 65. This study aimed to empirically examine and understand the correlation between social support and parenting stress in mothers of children with Down syndrome at POTADS North Sumatra. The researcher detennined a total of 37 respondents, consisting of mothers who had children with Down syndrome, using a total sampling technique. The research method 11sed was quantitative. Data collection for the social support scale utilized a Likert scale, while the parenting stress scale used a Semantic Differential scale. Data analysis was conducted using the Product Momeni correlation technique. The analysis results with the Product Moment Correlation method showed a correlation value of -0.226 with p = 0.918 > 0.05. This meant that the higher the social support, the lower the parenting stress. The effective contribution of the Social Support variable to Parenting Stress was 7%, while 30% was influenced by other factors not examined in this study, such as general life stress, the child's condition, economic status, and psychological maturity. Another finding revealed that, based on the calculation of the hypothetical and empirical means, mothers of children with Down syndrome at POTADS (Association of Parents of Children with Down Syndrome) North Swnatra experienced moderate levels of parenting stress, with an empirical value o/98.89, which was lower than the hypothetical value of 116. Additionally, the social ~11pport received by mothers of children with Down syndrome was also moderate, with an empirical value of 64. 78, which was slightly lower than the hypothetical value of 65.
Description: 98 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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