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Title: Survey Serangan Hama Ulat Grayak Spodoptera Frugiperda pada Tanaman Jagung Hibrida (Zea Mays L.) di Berbagai Ketinggian Tempat
Other Titles: Survey of Armyworm Pest Attacks Spodoptera Frugiperda on Hybrid Corn Plants (Zea Mays L.) at Various Altitudes
Authors: Harahap, Hananda
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Azwana
Panggabean, Ellen Lumisar
Keywords: jagung hibrida;s. frugiperda;ulat grayak;hybrid corn;s. frugiperda;armyworm
Issue Date: 28-Mar-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;198210100
Abstract: Spodoptera frugiperda atau ulat grayak adalah hama baru pada tanaman jagung di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat serangan hama Spodoptera frugiperda pada tanaman jagung Di berbagai ketinggian tempat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2023. Pengambilan larva S. frugiperda dilakukan dengan cara mengamati bagian tanaman terserang, khususnya pada bagian pucuk/titik tumbuh, bawah daun, pada 9 lokasi pertanaman jagung hibrida di berbagai ketinggian tempat. Larva yang ditemukan segera dimasukkan ke dalam wadah plastik (cup puding) menggunakan bantuan kuas yang berukuran kecil, dan di identifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh lokasi pertanaman jagung hibrida yang diamati ditemukan serangan S. frugiperda. Intensitas serangan S. frugiperda berfluktuasi di berbagai ketingian tempat. Intensitas serangan S. frugiperda secara berturut-turut dari ter tinggi keterendah. Pada dataran 1.270,1-1.344,5 M dpl (63,11%), dataran 0,3-17,2 M dpl (47,11%). dataran 37,4-79,1 M dpl (12,44%). Spodoptera fruiperda or fall armyworm is a new pest of corn crops in Indonesia. This research aims to determine the level of Spodoptera frugiperda pest attacks on corn plants at various altitudes. The research was carried out in Agustus 2023. S. frugiperda larvae were collected by observing the affected plant parts, especially at the shoots/growing points, underside the leaves, at 9 hybrid corn planting location at various altitudes. The larvae that were found were immediately put into a plastic container (pudding cup) using the help of a small brush, and identified. The results of the research showed that all hybrid corn planting locations observed were found to be attacked by S. frugiperda. The intensity of S. frugiperda attacks fluctuates at various altitudes. The intensity of S. frugiperda attacks is successively from highest to lowest. On the plains 1,270.1- 1,344.5 M above sea level (63.11%), the plains are 0.3-17.2 M above sea level (47.11%). plains 37.4-79.1 M above sea level (12.44%).
Description: 48 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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