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dc.contributor.authorPanjaitan, Rugun Stepani-
dc.description74 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractSaat struktur di bangun di atas tanah lempung masalah daya dukung tanah sering kali muncul. Oleh karena itu, ada baiknya melakukan penyelidikan tentang sifat fisis dan karakteristik tanah sebelum melakukan perencanaan konstruksi. Tanah memiliki banyak masalah, terutama tanah lempung, kerena pengaruh besar terhadap pengerjaan kontruksi dan pembangun jalan , setiap perencanaan harus melakukan pemeriksaan tanah untuk memastikan tanah dapat menahan beban konstruksi. Tanah lempung adalah tanah dengan ukuran mikronis hingga submikronis yang berasal dari pelapukan komponen kimiawi yang membentuk bantuan, tanah lempung sangat keras saat kering.Pada kadar air sedang, lempung plastis dan memiliki permeabilitas yang sangat rendah. Masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana campuran arang tempurung kelapa berdampak pada nilai konsolidasi LL, PL, PI, dan Cv, sebagai stabilisasi tanah lempung. Tujuan dari perbaikan tanah yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini perbaikan tanah untuk mendapatkan nilai Batas Cair (LL), Batas Plastis (PL), serta Indeks Plastis (PI), koefisien Konsolidasi (Cv) yang menggunakan alat konsolidasi. Nilai koefisien Konsolidasi (Cv) didapat dengan menggunakan uji konsolidasi. Hasil dari pengujian campuran 0%,2%,4%,6%,8% .Adapun Koefisien konsolidasi (Cv) yaitu sampel kadar abu cangkang sawit 0% =0,505, kadar abu cangkang sawit 2% =0,467, kadar abu cangkang sawit 4% =0,374, kadar abu cangkang sawit 6%= 0,416, kadar cangkang sawit 8%= 0,478. When a structure is built on clay soil, soil bearing capacity problems often arise. Therefore, it is better to carry out investigations on the physical properties and characteristics of the soil before planning construction. Soil has many problems, especially clay soil, because it has a big influence on construction works and road builders, every planner must carry out a soil inspection to ensure that the soil can withstand construction loads. Clay soils are soils with micron to submicronic sizes derived from weathering of the chemical components that form the relief, clay soils are very hard when dry. At moderate water content, clay is plastic and has very low permeability. The problem of this research is how the mixture of coconut shell charcoal has an impact on the consolidation values of LL, PL, PI, and Cv, as stabilization of clay soils. The aim of the soil improvement carried out in this study was to obtain the value of Liquid Limit (LL), Plastic Limit (PL), and Plastic Index (PI), Consolidation coefficient (Cv) using a consolidation tool. Consolidation coefficient value (Cv) is obtained by using the consolidation test. The results of testing the mixture 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%. The coefficient of consolidation (Cv) is a sample of 0% palm shell ash content = 0.505, 2% palm shell ash content = 0.467, palm shell ash content 4 % = 0.374, palm shell ash content 6% = 0.416, palm shell ash content 8% = 0.478en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectstabilisasi tanah lempungen_US
dc.subjectabu cangkang sawiten_US
dc.subjectclay soil stabilizationen_US
dc.subjectpalm shell ashen_US
dc.titleAnalisa Pengaruh Penambahan Abu Cangkang Sawit Terhadap Konsolidasien_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of the Effect of Adding Palm Kernel Shell Ash on Consolidationen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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