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Title: Evaluasi Program Kampung Keluarga Berencana di Desa Meranti Paham Kecamatan Panai Hulu Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Other Titles: Evaluation of the Family Planning Village Program in Meranti Paham Village, Panai Hulu District, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra Province
Authors: Wahyuni, Sri
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Muda, Indra
Keywords: evaluasi program;kampung keluarga berencana;program evaluation;family planning village
Issue Date: 23-Aug-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;208520087
Abstract: Kampung Keluarga Berencana merupakan terobosan yang didesain khusus untuk menggerakkan program kependudukan. Latar belakang permasalahan penelitian ini karena kampung keluarga berencana masih memiliki jumlah anak empat dan jarak kerapatan anak masih sering terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, Bagaimana evaluasi pelaksanaan program kampung keluarga berencana di Desa Meranti Paham Kecamatan Panai Hulu Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Provinsi Sumatera. Permasalahannya di fokuskan pada evaluasi program. Guna mendekati permasalahan ini di pergunakan acuan teori William N dunn dengan indikator efektivitas, efisiensi,kecukupan, Pemerataan , responsivitas, ketepatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data secara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode penelitian Deskriptif kualitatif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa program ini belum berjalan dengan baik dikarenakan masih minim rasa keingintahuan masyarakat tentang program ini meskipun pemerintah sudah melakukan Sosialisasi dan Penyuluhan dan organisasi yang dilakukan masih banyak masyarakat desa Meranti Paham yang tidak mau mengikuti program tersebut. Namun demikian karena adanya program ini mampu mengurangi angka kelahiran dan kehamilan. The Family Planning Village (Kampung Keluarga Berencana) was a breakthrough designed specifically to drive population programs. The background of this research stemmed from the fact that the Family Planning Village still had a high number of children, with close birth intervals Fequently occurring. This research aimed to evaluate the implementation of the Family Planning Village program in Desa Meranti Paham, Panai Hulu District, Labuha11batu Regency, North Sumatra Province. The problem was focused on program evaluation. To approach this issue, the study utilized William N. Dunn's theory with indicators of effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity, responsiveness. and accuracy. Data collection techniques used in this research included observation, interviews, and documentation. The research also employed a qualitative descriptive method. It was concluded that the program had not been running effectively due to the community's limited curiosity about the program, despite the government's efforts in conducting socialization and counseling. Additionally, many residents of Desa Meranti Paham were unwilling to participate in the program. However, the program was able to reduce birth and pregnancy rates.
Description: 77 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Public Administration

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