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dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Taufik-
dc.contributor.advisorHidayani, Sri-
dc.contributor.authorManalu, Raja William-
dc.description64 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractDalam dunia perdagangan soal angkutan memegang peranan sangat penting tidak hanya sebagai alat fisik, alat yang harus membawa barang-barang yang diperdagangkan dari produsen ke konsumen, tetapi juga sebagai alat penentu harga dari barang-barang tersebut. Karena itu bagi kepentingan perdagangannya, tiap-tiap pedagang selalu akan berusaha mendapatkan frekuensi angkutan yang kontinue dan tinggi dengan biaya angkutan yang rendah. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kerjasama Pengangkutan Barang Melalui Laut Antara Pt. Sarana Bandar Nasional Dan Pt. Pelni Cabang Lhoksumawe, Bagaimana Tanggung Jawab PT. Pelni Cabang Lhoksumawe Terhadap Kehilangan Atau Kerusakan Barang PT. Sarana Bandar Nasional Pada Penyelenggaraan Pengangkutan Barang. Metode penelitian yaitu yuridis normatif yaitu jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dengan mempelajari norma-norma yang ada atau peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan permasalahan yang dibahas. Sifat penelitian yang dipergunakan dalam menyelesaikan skripsi ini adalah deskriptif analis dari studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi kepustakaan, wawancara dan lapangan, serta menganalisis data berdasarkan data kualitatif. Pelaksanaan perjanjian kerjasama pengangkutan barang melalui laut antara pt. sarana bandar nasional dan pt. pelni cabang lhoksumawe Pada dasarnya harus ada cargo/barang nya dahulu. Lalu ditentukan biaya-biaya yang menjadi beban PT SBN dan PT PELNI. Dan hal ini tertuang di dalam kontrak Kerjasama secara terpusat, yakni di PT PELNI Cab Lhokseumawe. PT. PELNI Cab Lhokseumawe hanya menjalankan sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku saja persyaratan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian kerjasama pengangkutan barang melalui laut antara pt. sarana bandar nasional dan pt. pelni cabang lhoksumawe dengan melampirkan: Adanya pihak A dan B, NPWP perusahaan, Term of Payment, Laba/Rugi, Tanggung jawab pt. pelni cabang lhoksumawe terhadap kehilangan atau kerusakan barang pt. sarana bandar nasional pada penyelenggaraan pengangkutan barang sudah tertera di Kontrak. sesuai dengan Pasal 45 ayat (2) UU Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, yaitu : Non Litigasi, penyelesaian sengketa konsumen di luar pengadilan melalui proses mediasi, arbitrase atau konsiliasi, seperti diatur dalam Pasal 47 UU Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Litigasi, penyelesaian sengketa konsumen melalui peradilan yang berada di lingkungan peradilan umum. In the world of trade, transportation plays a very important role, not only as a physical tool, a tool that must carry traded goods from producers to consumers, but also as a means of determining the price of these goods. Therefore, for the sake of trade, each trader will always try to get a continuous and high frequency of transportation with low transportation costs. The problem in this research is how to implement the cooperation agreement for the transportation of goods by sea between Pt. National Airport Facilities And Pt. Pelni Lhoksumawe Branch, What are the Responsibilities of PT. Pelni Lhoksumawe Branch Against Loss or Damage of Goods PT. National Airport Facilities in the Implementation of the Transportation of Goods. The research method is normative juridical, namely the type of research carried out by studying existing norms or laws and regulations related to the problems discussed. The nature of the research used in completing this thesis is descriptive analysis of the case study. Data collection techniques with literature, interviews and field studies, as well as analyzing data based on qualitative data. Implementation of the cooperation agreement for the transportation of goods by sea between pt. national airport facilities and pt. Pelni Lhoksumawe branch Basically, there must be cargo/goods first. Then determine the costs to be borne by PT SBN and PT PELNI. And this is stated in the Cooperation contract centrally, namely at PT PELNI Cab Lhokseumawe. PT. PELNI Cab Lhokseumawe only runs according to the terms and conditions that apply only to the requirements in the implementation of the cooperation agreement for the transportation of goods by sea between pt. national airport facilities and pt. pelni lhoksumawe branch by attaching: The presence of parties A and B, company TIN, Term of Payment, Profit/Loss, Responsibility of pt. pelni lhoksumawe branch against loss or damage to pt. national airport facilities in the implementation of the transportation of goods have been stated in the Contract. in accordance with Article 45 paragraph (2) of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, namely: Non Litigation, settlement of consumer disputes outside the court through mediation, arbitration or conciliation, as regulated in Article 47 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Litigation, settlement of consumer disputes through courts within the general court environment.en_US
dc.subjectperjanjian kerjaen_US
dc.subjecttanggung jawaben_US
dc.subjectpt. pelni cab. lhokseumaween_US
dc.subjectemployment agreementen_US
dc.titleTinjauan Yuridis terhadap Perjanjian Kerja Sama Pengangkutan Barang Melalui Laut Antara PT. Sarana Bandar Nasional dan PT. Pelni (Studi pada PT. Pelni Cabang Lhoksumawe)en_US
dc.title.alternativeJuridical Review Of Cooperative Agreements For The Transport Of Goods Through The Between Sea Pt. Means Of National Bandar And Pt. Pelni (Study At Pt. Pelni Lhoksumawe Branch)en_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Law

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