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Title: Perancangan Mesin Pencacah Polimer Komposit Kapasitas 50 Kg /Jam
Other Titles: Design of a Composite Polymer Shredding Machine with a Capacity of 50 Kg / Hour
Authors: Siregar, Ahmad Pauji
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Iswandi
Keywords: polimer komposit;rancangan komponen mesin;polymer composite;machine component design
Issue Date: 19-Mar-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;188130107
Abstract: Polimer komposit merupakan kombinasi polimer dan bahan pengisi material anorganik, sintetis atau alami. Salah satu pengembangan pada polimer komposit, adalah sel bahan bakar, merupakan sebuah peralatan yang mampu mengkoversi hydrogen dan oxsigen secara elektro kimia menjadi energi listrik dan air,tanpa adanya emisi gas buang polutif, Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik pada polimer komposit diperlukan pengolahan salah satunya dengan cara dicacah, atau mengubah bentuk dari besar menjadi kecil atau bentuk serpihan dengan mesin pencacah polimer komposit kapasitas 50 kg/jam. Mesin pencacah polimer komposit kapasitas 50 kg/jam dirancang menggunkan Komponen sebagai berikut, Dari perancangan mesin pencacah polimer komposit, tinngi keseluruhan, rangka = panjang = 550 mm, lebar = 600 mm, tinggi = 550 mm menggunakan unp 50 mm x 30 mm x 2,5 mm. Box mata pisau = panjang =275 mm, lebar = 255 mm, tinggi =215mm. Hoper, panjang = 275 mm, lebar = 350 mm, tinggi = 350 mm. Mata pisau berdiameter 200 mm ketebalan 12 mm dengan diameter poros 32 mm. Spacer berdiamater 100 mm dengan ketebalan 10 mm. Jarak antara pisau hidup dan pisau mati 1 mm, poros memakai jenis exagonal kopling berjenis dengan reducer perbandingan 1:50. menggunakan unp 50 mm x 30 mm x 2,5 mm. Menggunakan puly pada motor listrik 70.5 mm puly pada reducer 120.5 mm. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil dari perancangan yaitu kapasitas mesin Q = 833,33 gram/menit. Gaya potong pisau F = 47,088 N Torsi T =9,4176 Nm, daya pada motor= 2,809 kw = 3 HP, Reducer perbandingan 1:50. Composite polymers are combinations of polymers and fillers for inorganic, synthetic or natural materials. One of the developments in composite polymers, is the fuel cell, is an equipment that is able to convert hydrogen and oxsigen electrochemically into electrical energy and water, without the emission of pollutive exhaust gases, Fuel cells have received serious attention among the automotive industry. One way to improve the mechanical properties of composite polymers requires processing, one of which is by chopping, or changing the shape from large to small or flake shape with a composite polymer shredding machine with a capacity of 50 kg / hour. Composite polymer shredding machine capacity of 50 kg/h is designed using the following components, From the design of composite polymer shredding machine, the whole level, frame = length = 550 mm, width = 600 mm, height = 550 mm using UNP 50 mm x 30 mm x 2.5 mm. Box blade = length = 275 mm, width = 255 mm, height = 215mm. Hoper, length = 275 mm, width = 350 mm, height = 350 mm. The blade is 200 mm in diameter, 12 mm thick with a shaft diameter of 32 mm. Spacers are 100 mm in diameter with a thickness of 10 mm. The distance between the live knife and the die knife is 1 mm, The shaft uses an exagonal type of manifold coupling with a reducer ratio of 1:50. Using UNP 50 mm x 30 mm x 2.5 mm. Using puly on 70.5 mm electric motor puly on 120.5 mm reducer. From this study, the results of the design were obtained, namely the engine capacity Q = 833.33 grams / minute. Knife cutting force F = 47.088 N Torque T = 9.4176 Nm, power in motor = 2.809 kw = 3 HP, Reducer ratio 1:50.
Description: 73 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Mechanical Engineering

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