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Title: Aklimatisasi Anggrek Dendrobium Sp. Secara Hidroponik Sistem Wick dengan Pupuk dan Konsentrasi yang Berbeda
Other Titles: Acclimatization of Dendrobium Sp. Orchids. Hydroponically Wick System with Different Fertilizers and Concentrations
Authors: Prambudi, Dimas Agung
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Tantawi, Ahmad Rafiqi
Keywords: aklimatisasi;bibit anggrek dendrobium sp.;hidroponik;acclimatization;dendrobium sp.;orchid seeds;hydroponics
Issue Date: 28-Mar-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;188210060
Abstract: Dimas Agung Prambudi, NIM 188210060 “Aklimatisasi anggrek Dendrobium sp. secara hidroponik sistem wick dengan pupuk dan konsentrasi yang berbeda” Dibawah bimbingan Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Rafiqi Tantawi, MS selaku ketua pembimbing dan Ir. Azwana, MP selaku anggota pembimbing. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Jl. Sungai Teratai, Tembung, Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dari bulan Februari sampai bulan April Tahun 2023. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui keberhasilan aklimatisasi pertumbuhan tanaman anggrek Dendrobium sp. secara hidroponik sistem wick dengan berbagai jenis pupuk dan konsentrasi yang berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Non Faktorial yang terdiri dari 12 taraf perlakuan, yaitu sebagai berikut: D1 : Dosis AB Mix 0,5 gr/l, D2 : Dosis AB Mix 1 gr/l, D3 : Dosis AB Mix 1,5 gr/l, D4 : Dosis Gandasil 1 gr/l , D5 = Dosis Gandasil 3 gr/l , D6 : Dosis Gandasil 5 gr/l, D7 : Dosis NPK Mutiara (16:16:16) 0,75 gr/l, D8 : Dosis NPK Mutiara (16:16:16) 1 gr/l, D9 : Dosis NPK Mutiara (16:16:16) 1,25 gr/l, D10 : Dosis Growmore 0,5 gr/l, D11 : Dosis Growmore 2 gr/l, D12 : Dosis Growmore 3,5 gr/l. Terdiri dari 2 ulangan dan 12 taraf perlakuan parameter yang diamati adalah Tinggi Tanaman (cm), Jumlah Daun (helai), Diameter Batang (mm), % Hidup Setelah Aklimatisasi, Intensitas Serangan Hama dan Penyakit (%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: aplikasi jenis dan konsentrasi pupuk yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan bibit anggrek Dendrobium sp. Persentase tumbuh yang tertinggi terjadi pada tanaman yang diaplikasi perlakuan D5 (Gandasil 3 gr/l) yaitu 66,67%, sedangkan persentase tumbuh terendah perlakuan D1 (AB Mix 0,5 gr/l) yaitu 25%. Pada umur tanaman 5 MST terjadi peningkatan tinggi tanaman yang diaplikasi NPK 1,25 gr/l, kemudian diikuti oleh perlakuan AB Mix 1 gr/l dan Gandasil 1 gr/l. Tanaman dengan jumlah daun terbanyak terjadi pada AB Mix 0,5 gr/l diikuti perlakuan NPK 1 gr/l, sedangkan tanaman yang memiliki diameter batang terbesar tejadi pada perlakuan Gandasil 3 gr/l. Dimas Agung Prambudi, NIM 188210060 “Acclimatization of Dendrobium sp. orchids. using a hydroponic wick system with different fertilizers and concentrations" Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Rafiqi Tantawi, MS as chief supervisor and Ir. Azwana, MP as supervisor member. The research was carried out on Jl. Teratai River, Tembung, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province from February to April 2023. The aim of the research is to determine the success of growth acclimatization of Dendrobium sp orchid plants. hydroponically with a wick system with various types of fertilizer and different concentrations. The research used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method consisting of 12 treatment levels, namely as follows: D1: AB Mix dose 0.5 gr/l, D2: AB Mix dose 1 gr/l, D3: AB Mix dose 1 .5 gr/l, D4: Gandasil dose 1 gr/l, D5 = Gandasil dose 3 gr/l, D6: Gandasil dose 5 gr/l, D7: Pearl NPK dose (16:16:16) 0.75 gr/l l, D8: Pearl NPK dose (16:16:16) 1 gr/l, D9: Pearl NPK dose (16:16:16) 1.25 gr/l, D10: Growmore dose 0.5 gr/l, D11 : Growmore dosage 2 gr/l, D12 : Growmore dosage 3.5 gr/l. Consisting of 2 replications and 12 treatment levels, the parameters observed were plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), stem diameter (mm), % alive after acclimatization, intensity of pest and disease attacks (%). The results showed: the application of different types and concentrations of fertilizer did not have a significant effect on the growth of Dendrobium sp orchid seedlings. The highest growth percentage occurred in plants applied to the D5 treatment (Gandasil 3 gr/l), namely 66.67%, while the lowest growth percentage occurred in the D1 treatment (AB Mix 0.5 gr/l), namely 25%. At the age of 5 WAP, there was an increase in plant height when NPK 1.25 gr/l was applied, followed by treatment with AB Mix 1 gr/l and Gandasil 1 gr/l. The plants with the highest number of leaves occurred in the AB Mix 0.5 gr/l followed by the NPK 1 gr/l treatment, while the plants with the largest stem diameter occurred in the Gandasil 3 gr/l treatment.
Description: 81 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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