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Title: Pertanggung Jawaban Pidana terhadap Oknum Kepolisian sebagai Pelaku Kejahatan Penjualan Senjata Api Kepada Warga Sipil (Studi Putusan Nomor : 104/Pid.Sus/2023/Pn.Bnj)
Other Titles: Criminal Responsibility Againstpolice Personnel As Performers Of The Crime Of Sales Of Firearm To Civilians (Study Decision Number: 104/Pid. Sus/2023/Pn. Bnj
Authors: Ginting, Aldi Monop
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Fitri, Beby Suryani
Hidayani, Sri
Keywords: pertanggungjawaban pidana;oknum kepolisian;senjata api;criminal liability;police;firearms
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;208400068
Abstract: Hukum indonesia secara tegas mendenfinisikan memiliki senjata api tanpa izin sebagai kejahatan senjata juga dapat disalahgunakan karena hal tersebut dapat mengancam keamanan adn ketertiban masyarakat. Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penulisan proposal ini yaitu, Bagaimana Pengaturan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Oknum Kepolisian Yang Melakukan Penjualan Senjata Api Kepada Warga Sipil. Bagaimana Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Oknum Kepolisian Sebagai Pelaku Kejahatan Penjualan Senjata Api Kepada Warga Sipil Berdasarkan Putusan Nomor :104/Pid. Sus/2023/Pn. Bnj, Bagaimana Pertimbangan Hakim Terhadap Oknum Kepolisian Sebagai Pelaku Kejahatan Penjualan Senjata Api Kepada Warga Sipil Berdasarkan Putusan Nomor :104/Pid.Sus/2023/Pn. Bnj. Metode penelitian hukum yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif yaitu dengan sumber bahan hukum sekunder dan teknik pengumpulan data bersifat studi yang dianalisis secara kepustakaan kualitatif. Pengaturan hukum terhadap jual beli senpi kepada warga sipil secara ilegal terdapat dalam UU No 12 Tahun 1951, Pertanggungjawaban pidana maka berdasar putusan no 104/Pid.Sus/2023/PN.Bnj, adalah dengan sanksi pidana penjara selama 3 tahun dengan pertimbangan bahwa pelaku telah melanggar aturan terkait jual beli senpi secara ilegal kepada warga sipil. Saran dari peneliti ini seharusnya para aparat penegak hukum lebih memberikan sanksi hukuman yang lebih tegas dan berat lagi kepada para pelaku agar para oknum - oknum yang ingin melakukan kejahatan dapat berpikir terlebih dahulu agar tidak melakukan kejahatan dan agar kehatan ini tidak terulang kembali lagi. Indonesian law expressly defines possessing a firearm without a permit as a crime that weapons can also be misused because it can threaten public security and order. The problem in writing this proposal is, how to regulate criminal law against police officers who sell firearms to civilians. How is criminal responsibility for police officers as perpetrators of the crime of selling firearms to civilians based on Decision No: 104 / PID. Sus/2023/Pn. Bnj, How is the judge's consideration of police officers as perpetrators of the crime of selling firearms to civilians based on decision Number: 104/Pid.Sus/2023/Pn. Bnj. The legal research method used is normative juridical, namely with secondary legal material sources and study data collection techniques that are analyzed in qualitative literature. The legal regulation against the illegal sale and purchase of senpi to civilians is contained in Law No. 12 of 1951, Criminal liability, based on decision no. 104/Pid.Sus/2023/PN.Bnj, is punishable by imprisonment for 3 years considering that the perpetrator has violated the rules related to the illegal sale and purchase of senpi to civilians. The suggestion from this researcher of 1951, Criminal liability, based on decision no. 104/Pid.Sus/2023/PN.Bnj, is punishable by imprisonment for 3 years considering that the perpetrator has violated the rules related to the illegal sale and purchase of senpi to civilians. The suggestion from this researcher should be that law enforcement officials give more strict and severe punishment sanctions to the perpetrators so that individuals who want to commit crimes can think in advance so as not to commit crimes and so that this health does not repeat again.
Description: 89 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Criminal Law

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