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dc.contributor.advisorArdan, Melloukey-
dc.contributor.authorSimamora, Agatha Natami-
dc.description99 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractDalam upaya membantu mengurangi kemacetan, pemerintah Kota Medan mengeluarkan alternatif transportasi ramah lingkungan yakni Bus Listrik. Evaluasi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja operasional dan tingkat kepuasan pengguna Bus Listrik. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi linear berganda dan Customer Satisfaction Index. Analisis ini meliputi uji asumsi klasik ,uji hipotesis (uji-t) serta uji koefisien determinasi (R2). Berdasarkan hasil analisis kinerja operasional Bus Listrik Kota Medan, diperoleh faktor muat belum ideal, waktu tempuh sudah termasuk ideal, dan waktu antara (Headway) belum termasuk kategori ideal. Berdasarkan analisis tingkat kepuasan pengguna diperoleh persamaan regresi, Y=32,603(α)+1,228(X1)+1,170(X2)+0,572(X3)+0,120(X4)+ 0,793(X5)+0,074(X6). Berdasarkan uji asumsi klasik, melalui uji normalitas didapat bahwa data pada variabel berdistribusi normal. Pengujian hipotesis (uji-t) menunjukkan bahwa kinerja Bus Listrik Kota Medan mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan secara parsial terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna. Dari pengujian koefisien determinasi (R Square) sebesar 0,287 memberi arti bahwa pengaruh variabel bebas (kinerja) terhadap variabel terikat (kepuasan pengguna) sebesar 28,7% sehingga terdapat 71,3% prestasi dipengaruhi variabel lain yang tidak dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini. Untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap pelayanan Bus Listrik Kota Medan melalui metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) diperoleh tingkat kepuasan pengguna excellent (sangat puas) dengan nilai indeks sebesar 90,63%. In an effort to help reduce congestion, the Medan City government has launched an environmentally friendly transportation alternative, namely the Electric Bus. This evaluation aims to determine the operational performance and level of satisfaction of Electric Bus users. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis and the Customer Satisfaction Index. This analysis includes the classic assumption test, hypothesis test (t-test) and coefficient of determination test (R2). Based on the results of the operational performance analysis of the Medan City Electric Bus, it was found that the load factor was not ideal, the travel time was considered ideal, and the intermediate time (Headway) was not included in the ideal category. Based on the analysis of user satisfaction levels, the regression equation is obtained, Y=32.603(α)+1.228(X1)+1.170(X2)+0.572(X3)+0.120(X4)+ 0.793(X5)+0.074(X6). Based on the classical assumption test, through the normality test it was found that the data on the variables were normally distributed. Hypothesis testing (t-test) shows that the performance of the Medan City Electric Bus has a partially positive and significant influence on User Satisfaction. From testing the coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.287, it means that the influence of the independent variable (performance) on the dependent variable (user satisfaction) is 28.7% so that 71.3% of performance is influenced by other variables not explained in this research. To determine the level of user satisfaction with the Medan City Electric Bus service using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method, the user satisfaction level was excellent (very satisfied) with an index value of 90.63%.en_US
dc.subjectbus listriken_US
dc.subjectsatisfaction indexen_US
dc.subjectelctric busen_US
dc.subjectcustomer satisfaction indexen_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Kinerja Bus Listrik sebagai Moda Transportasi Umum di Kota Medan Berdasarkan Tingkat Kepuasan Penggunaen_US
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of the Performance of Electric Buses as a Mode of Public Transportation in Medan City Based on User Satisfaction Levelsen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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