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Title: Kualitas Pelayanan dalam Pengurusan E-Ktp di Kantor Camat Sunggal Kabupaten Deli Serdang
Other Titles: Quality of Service in Arranging E-Ktp at the Sunggal Subdistrict Office, Deli Serdang Regency
Authors: Kusuma, Regan
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Batubara, Beby Masitho
Simamora, Beltahmamero
Keywords: kualitas pelayanan;E-KTP;aparatur sipil negara;quality of service;state apparatus
Issue Date: 27-Sep-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;198520205
Abstract: Kualitas pelayanan yang baik adalah kulitas pelayanan yang memiliki prosedur yang baik, lancar, santun, serta profesional dengan adanya kejelasan mengenai kepastian biaya, waktu dan hukum. Tujuan penelitian Untuk mendeskripsikan faktor penghambat kualitas pelayanan pengurusan E-KTP di Kantor Camat Sunggal. Penelitian mengunakan teori Zeithaml dengan 5 indikator yaitu : 1. dimensi Tangible, 2. dimensi Reliability, 3. Dimensi responsiveness, 4. Dimensi assurance, 5. Dimensi Emphaty. Metode penelitian menggunanakan metode kualitatif dengan deskriptif naratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelayanan pengurusan E-KTP kantor camat sudah berjalan cukup baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari indikator, yaitu: 1. dimensi Tangible terpenuhi, tersedianya fasilitas pendukung, 2. dimensi Reliability terpenuhi, pegawai tanggap dalam melayani masyarakat, 3. Dimensi responsiveness terpenuhi, pegawai cepat menanggapi masyarakat, 4. Dimensi assurance terpenuhi, pegawai memberikan jaminan waktu sesuai SOP, 5. Dimensi Emphaty belum terpenuhi, pegawai dirasa kurang ramah sedangkan Faktor penghambat kualitas pelayanan pengurusan E-KTP yaitu jarak antara kantor Camat dan dukcapil, dan masalah jaringan. Good service quality is service quality that has good, smooth, polite, and professional procedures with clarity regarding cost, time and legal certainty. Research objectives To describe the factors inhibiting the quality of E-KTP management services at the Sunggal Sub-District Office. The research uses Zeithaml's theory with 5 indicators, namely: 1. Tangible dimension, 2. Reliability dimension, 3. Responsiveness dimension, 4. Assurance dimension, 5. Emphaty dimension. The research method uses a qualitative method with descriptive narrative. The results showed that the E-KTP management service of the sub-district office was running quite well, this could be seen from the indicators, namely: 1. the Tangible dimension is fulfilled, the availability of supporting facilities, 2. the Reliability dimension is fulfilled, employees are responsive in serving the community, 3. the Responsiveness dimension is fulfilled, employees quickly respond to the community, 4. the Assurance dimension is fulfilled, employees provide time guarantees according to the SOP, 5. the Emphaty dimension has not been fulfilled, employees are considered less friendly while the inhibiting factors for the quality of E-KTP management services are the distance between the sub-district office and the dukcapil, and network problems.
Description: 80 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Public Administration

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