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dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Taufik-
dc.contributor.authorSitorus, Tanti Kartika-
dc.description118 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian tesis ini berjudul Peran Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan Kelas II-A Medan Dalam Memberikan Asimilasi Dirumah Bagi Narapidana Selama Covid-19. Rumusan masalahnya yakni (1) Bagaimana pengaturan hukum dan tata cara pemberian asimilasi bagi para narapidana menurut peraturan perundang – undangan di Indonesia? (2) peran yang dilakukan lembaga pemasyarakatan perempuan kelas II-A Medan dalam memberikan asimilasi dirumah bagi narapidana selama covid-19? (3) kendala yang dilakukan lembaga pemasyarakatan perempuan kelas II-A Medan dalam dalam memberikan asimilasi dirumah bagi narapidana selama covid-19? Metode penelitian yang dipakai yakni yuridis empiris. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yakni Peran Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan Kelas II-A Medan dalam memberikan asimilasi dirumah bagi narapidana selama covid-19 yakni peran ideal, yakni bahwa lembaga pemasyarakatan merupakan suatu tempat untuk melakukan pembinaan narapidana agar menjadi lebih baik. Peran dari pengawasan asimilasi bahwa Kalapas berperan dalam menerbitkan Surat Keterangan asimilasi dan pengawasannya dilakukan oleh Balai Pemasyarakatan. Kendala yang dihadapi Lapas Perempuan Kelas II-A Medan ditinjau dari instansinya bahwa petugas kurang melakukan sosialisasi kepada warga binaan terkait hak dan kewajiban warga binaan khususnya tentang asimilasi. Kesimpulan dari tesis ini yakni bahwa aturan hukum yang mengatur tentang proses asimilasi yakni Peraturan Menteri Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia No. 10 Tahun 2020 Tentang Syarat Pemberian Asimilasi Dan Hak geIntegrasi Bagi Narapidana Dan Anak Dalam Rangka Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangan Penyebaran Covid-19, Peraturan Menteri Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia No. 32 Tahun 2020 Tentang Syarat Dan Tata Cara Pemberian Asimilasi, Pembebasan Bersyarat, Cuti Menjelang Bebas, Dan Cuti Bersyarat Bagi Narapidana Dan Anak Dalam Rangka Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangan Penyebaran Covid-19. Saran dari tesis ini yakni narapidana harus bisa mematuhi aturan – aturan yang ada didalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan agar bisa mendapat program-program yang ada di dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. This thesis research is entitled The Role of the Class II-A Medan Women's Correctional Institution in Providing Assimilation at Home for Prisoners During Covid-19. The formulation of the problem is (1) What are the legal regulations and procedures for providing assimilation for prisoners according to the laws and regulations in Indonesia? (2) the role played by the Medan class II-A women's correctional institution in providing assimilation at home for prisoners during Covid-19? (3) What are the obstacles faced by the Medan class II-A women's correctional institution in providing assimilation at home for prisoners during Covid-19? The research method used is empirical juridical. The conclusion of this research is that the role of the Medan Class II-A Women's Correctional Institution in providing assimilation at home for prisoners during Covid-19 is the ideal role, namely that the correctional institution is a place for coaching prisoners to become better. The role of assimilation supervision is that the Head of Corrections plays a role in issuing the assimilation Certificate and the supervision is carried out by the Correctional Center. The obstacle faced by the Medan Class II-A Women's Prison in terms of the agency is that the officers do not provide enough outreach to inmates regarding the rights and obligations of inmates, especially regarding assimilation. The conclusion of this thesis is that the legal rules governing the assimilation process are Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 10 of 2020 concerning Conditions for Providing Assimilation and Integration Rights for Prisoners and Children in the Context of Preventing and Managing the Spread of Covid-19, Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 32 of 2020 concerning Conditions and Procedures for Providing Assimilation, Conditional Release, Leave Before Release, and Conditional Leave for Prisoners and Children in the Context of Preventing and Controlling the Spread of Covid-19.The suggestion from this thesis is that prisoners must be able to comply with the rules within the Correctional Institution in order to be able to receive the programs within the Correctional Institution.en_US
dc.subjectperan lapas perempuan kelas II-A medanen_US
dc.subjectrole of class ii-a medan women's prisonen_US
dc.titlePeran Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan Kelas II-A Medan dalam Memberikan Asimilasi di rumah Bagi Narapidana Selama Covid-19en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Role Of Medan Class II-A Women's Community Institution In Providing Assimilation At Home For Prisoners During Covid-19en_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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